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Games in Ames
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2018-11-172018-11-18 SUCCESS GymnasticsClick here377
Meet Scores Level: XG
Team Scores  Show Personal Bests    All Scores  Level:   3,  4,  5,  XB,  XS,  XG,  XP,  XD
#Name Team Session Level DivisionVaultBarsBeamFloorAA

1Roeder, JaidenChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG JR C9.325 19.550 29.525 19.450 237.850 1
2Mordini, GiannaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG JR C9.125 59.825 19.000 49.325 337.275 2
3King, KatherineChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG SR A8.850 4T9.675 19.125 2T9.375 237.025 1
4S precher, NeveSUCCESS Gymnastics 7 XG JR B8.925 49.350 19.325 19.100 136.700 1
5Hiatt, AbbyPlatinum Gymnastics Academy 7 XG SR A8.850 4T9.250 59.125 2T9.450 136.675 2
6Stahn, EmmersonChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG JR C8.775 79.400 48.975 59.475 136.625 3
7Ploessl, EmersynSUCCESS Gymnastics 7 XG SR B9.100 39.175 49.100 29.200 236.575 1
8Ryan, AllisonSUCCESS Gymnastics 7 XG JR C8.850 69.350 59.150 39.075 536.425 4
9O'Neill, SydneySalute Gymnastics 7 XG SR B8.600 99.525 2T8.950 39.300 136.375 2
10Lust, JaedenChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG JR C9.200 2T9.225 68.575 69.250 436.250 5
11Beukema, AddisonChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG JR C8.450 9T9.425 39.350 29.000 6T36.225 6
12Roberts, CharleeChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG SR B8.975 59.525 2T8.900 48.750 736.150 3
13Burns, LaurenChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG SR B9.300 1T9.775 18.400 78.475 935.950 4
14Phothiboupha, JaylenaMid Iowa Gym 7 XG SR A8.900 39.500 28.800 4T8.725 935.925 3
15Metschke, AllisonSUCCESS Gymnastics 7 XG SR A8.800 79.175 68.800 4T9.125 3T35.900 4
16Bemrich, HaileyChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG SR A8.350 119.375 39.250 18.825 735.800 5
17Riesberg, MaKenzyMid Iowa Gym 7 XG JR B9.125 1T9.125 28.475 59.025 335.750 2
18Banning, BrooklynSUCCESS Gymnastics 7 XG JR A8.750 38.450 59.200 19.325 135.725 1
18Buttry, KyahMid Iowa Gym 7 XG JR B8.850 58.750 5T9.050 29.075 235.725 3
20Middents, AllisonSalute Gymnastics 7 XG JR A8.650 49.325 28.675 49.000 235.650 2
21McCord, AllieSUCCESS Gymnastics 7 XG SR A8.850 4T9.050 78.675 68.975 535.550 6
22Lunde, JettChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG JR B8.675 79.075 38.950 48.825 435.525 4
23Millang, LaurenMid Iowa Gym 7 XG SR A9.125 18.675 9T8.450 89.125 3T35.375 7
23Kamerman, JayleeGalaxy Gymnastics 7 XG SR B9.050 48.775 108.600 58.950 535.375 5
25Testroet, KiannaSUCCESS Gymnastics 7 XG JR B9.125 1T8.500 88.975 38.750 535.350 5
26Postma, JordynGalaxy Gymnastics 7 XG SR B9.300 1T8.975 78.150 88.875 635.300 6
27Streit, NeelieMid Iowa Gym 7 XG JR A8.850 29.400 18.300 58.575 335.125 3
28Vander Stouwe, EllaGalaxy Gymnastics 7 XG SR B8.950 68.800 99.225 18.075 1035.050 7
28Morris, AddieMid Iowa Gym 7 XG JR B8.950 39.050 48.450 68.600 735.050 6
30Kilker, KarsenMid Iowa Gym 7 XG JR C9.175 48.775 97.950 88.900 934.800 7
31Anderson, NatalieGalaxy Gymnastics 7 XG JR A8.950 18.575 49.050 28.200 434.775 4
31VanHauen, JaydenChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG SR B8.375 108.850 88.500 69.050 334.775 8
33Germano, SidaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG SR B8.850 79.125 67.725 10T9.025 434.725 9
34Urich, MelodyMid Iowa Gym 7 XG SR A8.650 98.675 9T8.475 78.875 634.675 8
35Secory, ElleChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG SR A8.425 109.350 48.125 98.750 834.650 9
36DeWitt, AubrielleMid Iowa Gym 7 XG JR A8.575 59.175 38.900 37.850 534.500 5
37DeGoey, MadilynChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG SR B8.700 89.150 57.900 98.725 834.475 10
38Danielson, MorganSUCCESS Gymnastics 7 XG JR C8.450 9T9.025 77.800 9T9.000 6T34.275 8
39Corrigan, AliciaMid Iowa Gym 7 XG SR A9.100 28.650 117.900 108.375 1234.025 10
40Herpst, RyleaGalaxy Gymnastics 7 XG JR C9.200 2T7.600 108.250 78.925 833.975 9
41Muller, HannahSalute Gymnastics 7 XG SR A8.725 88.400 127.850 118.625 10T33.600 11
42Williams, AliSalute Gymnastics 7 XG JR B8.825 68.675 77.425 88.650 633.575 7
43Elmquist, JosalynSUCCESS Gymnastics 7 XG SR A8.325 128.925 87.425 128.625 10T33.300 12
44Sanders, MadisonMid Iowa Gym 7 XG JR C8.475 88.925 87.800 9T7.975 1033.175 10
45Moline, AbigailSUCCESS Gymnastics 7 XG JR B8.250 88.750 5T7.900 78.075 832.975 8
46Johnson, AshleyGalaxy Gymnastics 7 XG SR B8.150 118.100 117.725 10T7.950 1131.925 11