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2018-11-172018-11-18 SUCCESS GymnasticsClick here377
Meet ScoresTeam: Chow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute
Team Scores  Show Personal Bests    All Scores  Level:   3,  4,  5,  XB,  XS,  XG,  XP,  XD
#Name Team Session Level DivisionVaultBarsBeamFloorAA

1Rietz, PollyChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 2 4 JR B9.750 19.600 29.750 19.550 1T38.650 1
2Mordini, SophiaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 5 XP SR B9.500 19.600 19.575 19.925 138.600 1
3Kloppe, AvaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 8 XS JR C9.200 3T9.650 19.775 19.500 138.125 1
4Mignogna, EdenChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 1 5 JR B9.250 29.500 19.775 19.475 238.000 1
5Roeder, JaidenChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG JR C9.325 19.550 29.525 19.450 237.850 1
5Welch, RachelChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 5 XP JR B9.275 29.525 19.500 49.550 337.850 1
7Curtis, MadyChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 2 4 JR B9.400 29.675 19.100 6T9.550 1T37.725 2
8Mead, EllieChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 8 XS JR B9.375 1T9.675 29.350 49.300 337.700 2
9Reid, AbigailChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 2 4 JR B9.175 39.525 39.450 49.525 337.675 3
10VanBeek, MyaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 8 XS JR B9.275 49.475 59.375 39.450 237.575 3
11Badeaux, MayaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 5 XD SR A8.650 4T9.450 19.675 19.675 137.450 1
12Baker, KenzieChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 8 XS JR D9.275 39.500 39.425 19.150 537.350 2
13Mordini, GiannaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG JR C9.125 59.825 19.000 49.325 337.275 2
14Wennerstrom, HalleahChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 1 5 SR A9.300 29.375 29.300 29.200 437.175 2
15King, KatherineChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG SR A8.850 4T9.675 19.125 2T9.375 237.025 1
15Marks, AleahChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 8 XS SR A9.100 39.500 19.525 18.900 737.025 1
15Wiemers, HannahChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 5 XP JR A9.000 49.200 1T9.325 1T9.500 237.025 1
18Schmidt, NorahChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 8 XS JR A8.850 4T9.725 19.275 29.150 237.000 2
18Bailey, ClaireChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 2 4 SR A8.875 29.250 29.550 19.325 1T37.000 1
18Quang, ElinaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 8 XS JR B9.075 59.450 69.475 19.000 637.000 5
21Mordini, MariaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 5 XP JR B8.650 79.000 49.575 29.600 1T36.825 2
22Burns, ReaganChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 8 XS JR B9.350 39.525 48.750 9T9.125 4T36.750 6
22Franklin, SiennaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 5 XP JR B9.100 39.200 39.050 69.400 436.750 3
24Burns, TaylorChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 5 XP JR B8.925 4T9.250 29.600 18.900 736.675 4
24Feldman, AveryChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 5 XP SR A8.350 99.500 1T9.375 39.450 336.675 2
26Stahn, EmmersonChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG JR C8.775 79.400 48.975 59.475 136.625 3
27McCann, GraceChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 8 XS JR A9.325 29.650 28.475 79.100 336.550 3
27Clark, AdahChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 8 XS SR B9.175 6T9.100 89.300 38.975 9T36.550 4
29Hillaker, EmmaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 8 XS SR B9.200 59.325 38.925 8T9.075 536.525 5
30Moses, BrianaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 8 XS SR B9.175 6T9.400 28.600 119.250 236.425 7
31Jones, JaceyChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 8 XS SR B9.350 1T9.050 98.925 8T9.050 636.375 8
32Brodersen, SloanChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 8 XS JR D9.475 29.675 17.975 99.175 436.300 4
32Schmidt, AunaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 5 XD SR A9.000 2T9.200 29.125 38.975 4T36.300 2
34Larson, SamanthaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 5 XD SR A8.650 4T9.150 39.500 28.975 4T36.275 3
35Lust, JaedenChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG JR C9.200 2T9.225 68.575 69.250 436.250 5
36Beukema, AddisonChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG JR C8.450 9T9.425 39.350 29.000 6T36.225 6
37Roberts, CharleeChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG SR B8.975 59.525 2T8.900 48.750 736.150 3
38Smith, GrainneChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 5 XD SR A9.250 18.150 58.925 59.650 235.975 4
39Burns, LaurenChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG SR B9.300 1T9.775 18.400 78.475 935.950 4
40Passick, HannahChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 5 XP SR B8.375 88.650 59.525 29.375 435.925 4
41Nimmo, HeidiChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 5 XP SR B8.975 48.450 69.475 38.900 7T35.800 5
41Bemrich, HaileyChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG SR A8.350 119.375 39.250 18.825 735.800 5
41Sechrist, JolieChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 5 XP JR B9.375 18.250 68.950 79.225 635.800 6
44Theis, MargaretChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 8 XS JR B8.900 99.175 8T8.825 88.875 935.775 7T
45Delaney, HopeChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 5 XP JR A9.050 2T9.200 1T8.075 69.325 435.650 4
45Devenney, EimearChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 8 XS JR B8.750 109.250 78.750 9T8.900 835.650 9T
47Primeau, CammyChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 5 XD SR A9.000 2T8.375 48.975 49.225 335.575 5
48Lunde, JettChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG JR B8.675 79.075 38.950 48.825 435.525 4
49Astley, BamaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 8 XS JR A8.850 4T9.400 58.250 88.925 6T35.425 6
50Roberts, KiraChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 8 XS JR D8.975 69.250 68.825 88.350 835.400 9
51Burchett, TiaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 5 XP JR A8.700 58.750 38.850 49.000 635.300 5
52Lackmann, TevkaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 5 XP SR B8.825 59.075 38.400 78.925 635.225 6
53Montgomery, CaileyChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 8 XS SR B9.300 48.575 128.200 128.925 1135.000 11
54Carr, PiperChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 8 XS JR A8.725 79.100 7T8.500 68.650 834.975 7
55Harvey, AnnaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 5 XP SR A8.850 48.850 38.375 88.800 934.875 7
56VanHauen, JaydenChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG SR B8.375 108.850 88.500 69.050 334.775 8
57Germano, SidaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG SR B8.850 79.125 67.725 10T9.025 434.725 9
58Secory, ElleChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG SR A8.425 109.350 48.125 98.750 834.650 9
59Bevel, TamaraChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 8 XS JR C8.825 69.075 78.300 88.325 634.525 8
60DeGoey, MadilynChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 7 XG SR B8.700 89.150 57.900 98.725 834.475 10
61Simpson, OliviaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 2 4 JR B0.000 109.425 49.725 29.325 428.475 10
62Pierick, AudreyChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute 5 XP SR B