State Championships Xcel Bronze-Gold -
State Championships Xcel Bronze-Gold
Start End Host Meet Website Gymnasts
2019-03-222019-03-24 Twisters Gymnastics IncClick here881
Meet ScoresTeam: Chow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute
Team Scores  Show Personal Bests    All Scores  Level:   XB,  XS,  XG
#Name Team Session Level DivisionVaultBarsBeamFloorAA

1Kloppe, AvaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute C3 XS Jr B9.325 69.725 19.775 19.625 3T38.450 1
2Simbro, IsabellaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute C3 XS Jr B9.575 19.675 29.450 59.700 1T38.400 2
3Baker, KenzieChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute C3 XS Jr E9.475 2T9.600 1T9.400 6T9.500 237.975 2
4Quang, ElinaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute C2 XS Jr A9.300 49.475 49.550 19.325 937.650 2
4Whiting, MadelineChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute C1 XS Ch D9.300 49.500 19.450 2T9.400 637.650 1
6VanBeek, MyaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute C2 XS Ch F9.175 10T9.375 9T9.475 3T9.575 2*37.600 4T
7Lunde, JettChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute B1 XG Ch B9.300 29.425 39.475 39.250 3T37.450 2
8McCann, GraceChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute C1 XS Ch B9.250 59.525 29.400 2T9.100 737.275 1
9Hillaker, EmmaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute B4 XS Sr C9.100 6T9.525 19.400 59.225 3T37.250 2
10Mead, EllieChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute C2 XS Ch F9.575 19.375 9T8.800 159.475 5T37.225 8
11Mordini, GiannaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute B2 XG Jr A9.150 3T9.700 18.800 11T9.500 137.150 3
12Roberts, KiraChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute C3 XS Jr D9.475 19.100 139.300 6T9.250 8T37.125 4
13Frederick, LaurenChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute B1 XG Ch D9.425 19.200 8T9.025 119.400 3T37.050 2
14Stahn, EmmersonChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute B2 XG Jr B9.050 8T9.500 2T9.175 39.275 637.000 4
15DeJong, CharleeChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute B1 XG Ch D8.850 14T9.450 29.500 29.125 1036.925 4
16Schmidt, NorahChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute C1 XS Ch C8.700 169.275 8T9.400 6T9.525 136.900 7
17Burns, ReaganChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute C2 XS Ch E9.100 10T9.275 14T9.100 189.400 736.875 13
18Clark, AdahChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute B4 XS Sr D9.050 5T8.950 159.625 19.175 1136.800 5T
18Marks, AleahChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute C4 XS Jr G9.275 59.550 2T8.800 17T9.175 1236.800 10T
20Theis, MargaretChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute C2 XS Ch E9.050 139.200 179.500 38.975 1936.725 15
21Wadsworth, JoceChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute C1 XS Ch C8.575 189.375 49.650 19.075 1436.675 10
22Burns, LaurenChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute B3 XG Sr C9.450 2T9.500 1T8.500 179.075 12T36.525 8
22Secory, ElleChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute B2 XG Jr D9.025 7*9.375 7T8.925 109.200 736.525 7T
24King, KatherineChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute B3 XG Sr A8.875 13T9.300 8T8.975 119.250 736.400 7
25Beukema, AddisonChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute B2 XG Jr A9.000 7T9.050 129.150 99.050 1136.250 10
26Roeder, JaidenChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute B2 XG Jr B9.025 10T9.450 58.425 149.300 4T36.200 10
26Jones, JaceyChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute B4 XS Sr F8.575 149.225 6T9.050 169.350 336.200 9
28Brodersen, SloanChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute B1 XG Ch D9.200 3T9.400 3T8.475 149.025 1536.100 11
28Bemrich, HaileyChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute B3 XG Sr A8.950 9T8.950 149.200 59.000 1536.100 9T
30Roberts, CharleeChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute B3 XG Sr D9.000 99.150 98.525 14T9.325 536.000 10
31Astley, BamaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute C1 XS Ch C8.250 199.300 79.225 109.175 1135.950 17
32Carr, PiperChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute C1 XS Ch A8.500 189.275 69.375 78.725 1835.875 15
33DeGoey, MadilynChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute B3 XG Sr C8.950 148.800 15T8.925 109.150 935.825 14
34Bruening, LenaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute B1 XG Ch B9.075 7T8.925 108.450 199.325 235.775 14
35Moses, BrianaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute B3 XG Sr A8.900 128.875 15T8.550 169.300 4T35.625 15T
36Hass, MadisynChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute B3 XG Sr D9.300 28.175 188.675 129.400 135.550 11
37Fazio, BiancaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute B3 XG Sr B8.550 189.250 7T8.725 12T8.825 1635.350 12
38Montgomery, CaileyChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute B3 XG Sr B8.600 178.375 188.975 59.150 535.100 14
39McDonald, BellaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute B2 XG Jr A8.850 148.350 158.225 159.275 634.700 15
40Germano, SidaChow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute B3 XG Sr D8.775 128.550 178.700 118.575 1634.600 14