Gwinnett Gymnastics Center -
Gwinnett Gymnastics Center
State Website
Hosted Meets
Start Meet Gymnasts
2025-01-10 Atlanta Crown Invitational 1883
2024-01-07 2024 Atlanta Crown NGA 171
2023-01-06 Atlanta Crown 1053
2022-04-07 2022 NGA Of Georgia State Meet 322
2022-01-07 Atlanta Crown Invitational
2021-01-08 2021 Atlanta Crown 1092
2020-08-27 In-House Mobility Meet
2020-01-10 Atlanta Crown Invitational 1447
2019-10-28 In-House Mobility Meet
2019-08-22 IN- House Mobility
2019-08-22 In House Mobility
2019-01-11 Atlanta Crown 1594
2018-01-04 Atlanta Crown Invitational 1225
2017-07-18 GGC Mobility
2017-01-06 The Atlanta Crown Invitational
2017-01-06 The Atlanta Crown Invitational 1356
2016-08-17 August 2016 In-House
2016-01-08 Atlanta Crown 1818
2015-09-30 September To Remember Meet
2015-01-09 Atlanta Crown 1160
2014-01-10 The Atlanta Crown Invitational 1438
2013-01-10 2013 Atlanta Crown Invitational 1000
2012-01-20 2012 Atlanta Crown Invitational 802
2011-01-21 Atlanta Crown Invitational 517
2010-03-20 2010 Georgia Optional State Meet 288
2010-01-15 2010 Atlanta Crown Invitational 443
2009-01-17 2009 Atlanta Crown Invitational 245
2008-11-01 Last Chance Invitational
2008-01-18 2008 Atlanta Crown Invitational
Personal Bests
Name Level Latest Meet Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
(Pronounced Z Moore-Coman, Xaria. XB 2025-01-10 9.050 9.150 8.900 9.275 36.375
Aayles, Faith 10 2010-01-08 8.100 7.200 8.300 7.950 31.550
Abies, Ali 10 2010-02-19 9.300 9.100 8.625 8.325 35.350
Ables, Ali 10 2012-03-23 9.500 9.375 9.475 9.550 36.675
Aguilar, Katherine XS 2020-02-07 9.325 9.400 9.250 9.150 36.350
Aldrich, LeAirrah DN 2023-04-21 9.225 9.600 9.450 9.450 36.750
Aldrich, LeAirrah 3 2018-11-16 8.975 7.650 9.000 9.300 34.925
Alexia, Curan 4 2011-10-29 8.350 6.800 4.950 6.100 26.200
Allen, Amari XS 2021-04-30 9.725 9.475 9.550 9.500 37.950
Alvey, Suzanne 10 2004-04-30 8.850 8.500 9.300 8.625 35.275
Ambaye, Ariam 3N 2023-04-21 9.250 9.175 9.300 9.600 36.975
Andujar, Isabella 3 2014-11-20 9.300 8.425 7.050 0.000 24.775
Andwele, Makeda 3 2017-04-29 9.300 9.000 8.725 8.950 35.850
Anglin, Naomi XP 2020-02-07 9.450 9.400 9.750 9.450 37.625
Anglin, Nene 7 2019-01-11 9.225 9.150 9.300 9.350 37.025
Ankrom, Kelsey 7 2005-11-18 9.250 9.150 9.250 9.000 36.650
Anthony, Becca U4 2005-02-11 8.375 7.400 7.825 8.425 32.025
Applewhite, Adia U4 2005-02-11 8.850 8.000 8.200 8.200 33.250
Armitage, Claire 5 2010-01-15 8.850 7.950 8.950 8.725 34.300
Armstrong, Adrianna 4 2005-11-18 8.975 7.450 7.650 8.600 32.675
Armstrong, Emma Grace GN 2023-02-16 8.450 9.200 8.900 8.650 34.875
Arrant, Catarena 7 2008-03-14 9.350 9.500 8.950 9.100 36.900
Arrant, Caterena 7 2008-04-05 8.750 8.350 6.750 9.400 33.250
Asfaw, Ephratah XS 2020-02-07 8.900 9.150 8.800 9.250 35.900
Ashford, Khloe GN 2023-04-21 9.550 9.200 9.650 9.700 37.975
Ashworth, Annaleis PN 2024-05-17 9.450 9.450 9.525 9.450 37.500
Ashworth, Annaleis 3 2018-11-16 8.900 8.600 7.575 8.675 33.750
Aycock, Kelly 6 2005-11-18 8.400 8.400 8.850 8.725 33.800
Baez, Ashley U5 2005-02-11 7.750 8.000 7.800 8.725 32.275
Bailey, Isabella DN 2023-04-21 9.350 9.175 8.925 9.450 35.700
Baker, Brooke 9 2012-05-03 9.200 9.800 9.500 9.475 37.100
Baker, Isabella 4 2019-02-15 9.550 9.225 9.250 9.075 36.675
Baldwin, Skyler 4 2018-04-27 9.775 9.375 9.200 9.550 37.150
Balushi, Fiza 4 2014-01-10 9.125 8.900 8.450 8.750 34.825
Banks, Monroe GN 2025-02-28 9.000 9.450 9.025 9.325 35.125
Barkoot, Kirstie 8 2008-03-14 8.450 9.125 8.625 9.250 35.450
Barnett, Ansley PN 2024-05-17 9.350 9.600 9.500 9.675 37.225
Barnett, Riley PN 2024-05-17 9.550 9.575 9.150 9.450 36.925
Bartholomew, Daegan 3N 2025-02-28 9.600 9.400 9.600 9.500 37.550
Beamon, Kaylie 5N 2023-04-21 9.575 9.425 9.400 9.550 37.700
Beard, Tajhane' 9 2012-02-25 9.025 0.000 8.600 9.075 26.375
Behlmann, Kiara GD 2022-04-07 8.800 9.125 9.500 9.050 35.775
Belcher, Selena 3 2017-01-27 9.300 8.400 9.200 9.250 35.950
Bell, Lindsay PN 2025-02-28 9.500 9.125 9.350 9.500 36.700
Bell, Miyah 6N 2023-01-21 9.550 9.600 9.400 9.550 37.425
Belushi, Fiza 4 2013-11-22 8.500 7.600 7.350 9.150 32.600
Benmansour, Layan 3N 2025-02-28 9.575 9.450 9.600 9.175 37.325
Bennett, Amber 4 2011-11-04 9.400 8.250 7.675 7.750 32.300
Bennett, Kiersten 7 2015-03-27 9.450 9.400 9.150 9.400 36.200
Bennum, Berkeley PN 2024-05-17 9.500 9.525 9.475 9.850 37.300
Berry, Zoey 2BN 2025-02-21 9.325 9.350 9.275 9.350 37.250
Blackmon, Jordan U5 2005-02-11 7.400 8.200 8.375 8.600 32.575
Blaze, Kaliah GN 2025-02-28 8.750 7.500 8.475 9.275 33.025
Bonnett, Brooke 6 2018-03-16 9.475 9.400 9.250 9.200 36.350
Bowers, Audrey 10 2004-04-30 9.500 9.000 9.475 9.500 37.475
Bowers, Olivia 6 2017-03-17 9.525 9.400 9.400 9.450 37.425
Boyd, Taliah 4 2011-01-21 9.425 9.300 8.800 8.925 36.100
Breedlove, April 4 2015-04-24 9.400 8.975 8.650 9.350 35.550
Brereton, Jacquelyn 4 2018-04-27 9.800 9.350 9.000 9.050 36.275
Breville, Taylor 3N 2025-02-28 9.350 9.475 9.275 9.500 37.450
Brewer, Symiah 3N 2024-04-19 9.500 9.475 9.800 9.400 37.800
Bridgers, Emily 10 2004-04-30 9.200 9.275 8.900 8.500 35.875
Brothers, Claire XP 2021-04-09 9.450 8.700 8.950 9.400 35.825
Brown, Addison GN 2025-02-28 9.250 9.025 8.575 9.200 36.050
Brown, Adrianna 5 2011-09-24 9.550 9.600 9.350 9.450 37.550
Brown, Ananda 5 2012-01-20 8.750 8.625 7.975 8.900 33.825
Brown, Aryelle 6N 2022-06-08 9.275 9.100 8.450 9.350 36.100
Brown, Emily U6 2005-02-11 8.800 8.200 6.525 8.675 32.200
Brown, Trinity 5N 2022-06-08 9.500 9.600 9.500 9.800 38.225
Brown, Zoe 6 2019-04-25 9.700 9.500 9.450 9.450 37.175
Bryant, Jenna 4 2011-01-21 9.450 9.225 8.950 9.350 36.700
Bryant, Zoe PN 2025-02-28 9.400 9.175 9.500 9.825 36.925
Bullard, Elizabeth 6 2017-02-25 9.200 9.500 9.300 9.225 36.950
Burd, Larisa 9N 2024-05-17 9.900 9.800 9.575 9.750 38.425
Burke, Danielle 6 2019-03-16 9.500 9.300 9.075 9.275 36.675
Butler, Mary 7 2013-03-22 9.600 9.025 9.025 9.175 36.125
Caesar, Alayla 3N 2025-02-28 9.275 9.500 8.700 9.450 36.050
Calderon, Renda 6 2018-03-16 9.825 9.625 9.500 9.625 37.800
Campbell, Mia 6 2020-02-06 9.450 9.225 9.425 9.575 37.275
Canady, Katie 10 2009-04-16 9.100 8.975 9.250 9.250 36.400
Canales, Micaela 4 2018-04-27 9.800 9.450 9.275 9.525 37.475
Cantrell, Alala 6 2018-03-16 9.475 9.200 9.625 9.350 37.125
Carlson, Mackenzie 8 2008-03-14 8.400 9.000 9.075 9.200 35.675
Carlton, Phoebe 6 2019-03-16 9.625 9.300 9.250 9.225 36.850
Carlton, Sophia 7 2019-03-29 9.225 9.050 9.225 9.300 36.150
Carr, Chloe 4 2016-04-29 9.750 9.575 9.575 9.550 37.150
Carranza, Jenifer 6 2017-03-17 9.275 9.200 8.775 9.250 35.200
Carrasco Vélez, Isabella XB 2025-01-10 8.850 9.150 8.450 8.550 35.000
Carrasco, Isabella 2BN 2025-02-21 9.325 9.200 9.250 9.000 36.775
Carter, Samantha 8 2011-03-18 8.200 7.150 8.700 8.950 33.000
Carter, Zoë XG 2025-01-10 9.400 8.600 8.850 9.500 36.350
Carter, Zoe GN 2025-02-28 9.500 9.675 9.675 9.875 38.725
Cartwright, Maya 4 2018-04-27 9.750 9.425 9.075 9.250 35.850
Casenave, Mia 3 2018-11-16 8.950 8.100 8.500 9.050 34.600
Castellanos, Yuliana 7 2016-04-02 9.600 8.650 9.175 9.125 35.350
Castillo, Dayana 8N 2023-04-21 9.550 9.575 9.500 9.650 37.425
Castro, Luciana 7 2020-02-06 9.650 9.075 9.375 9.525 37.375
Celani, Julia U4 2005-02-11 8.925 8.700 8.650 9.075 35.350
Chang, Alyssa 7 2021-03-27 9.550 9.425 9.475 9.675 37.825
Chang, Somie XG 2020-01-10 9.725 9.100 9.300 9.250 36.975
Chapman, Jessica 9 2008-05-08 9.150 8.975 9.000 9.075 36.200
Charles, Trystien 10 2012-04-13 9.450 9.525 9.300 9.575 37.125
Chatman, Telani 4 2016-04-29 9.300 9.350 9.125 9.325 36.375
Chesier, Sarah U5 2005-02-11 7.250 8.050 7.450 8.700 31.450
Chestnut, Lady XS 2025-01-10 8.500 9.075 9.125 8.900 35.600
Chestnut, Leilani 3N 2025-02-28 9.075 8.900 9.000 9.275 35.925
Christie, BB XS 2019-01-11 8.500 8.700 8.000 8.825 34.025
Christie, Bianca XS 2019-04-13 9.300 9.225 9.200 9.325 36.675
Christopher, Madison 6 2017-04-20 9.500 9.375 9.425 9.625 37.425
Claire Stewart, Mary 9 2010-03-06 9.375 8.850 9.175 9.300 36.150
Clements, Ava GN 2023-04-21 9.075 9.200 9.275 9.450 36.475
Combre, Jaci 7A 2012-02-25 9.450 9.225 8.800 9.475 36.175
Combs, Alivia 2BN 2024-04-19 9.375 9.050 9.325 9.300 36.575
Conierse, Sydney 10 2010-01-08 8.600 8.625 9.000 8.700 34.925
Converse, Sydney 10 2012-04-13 9.475 9.375 9.600 9.650 37.600
Copeland, Jada 6 2020-02-06 9.100 9.500 9.375 9.475 36.725
Cotton, Kennedy 4 2010-01-15 8.750 9.150 8.100 8.700 33.475
Cox, Isabella GN 2025-02-28 9.425 9.050 8.050 9.300 35.100
Craddock, Tiffani GD 2022-04-07 9.500 9.600 9.475 9.350 37.825
Cristy, Liesl 3 2016-04-29 8.650 8.825 8.900 8.300 34.225
Cronic, Ellie XP 2025-01-10 9.125 8.800 9.350 8.625 35.900
Cronic-Maxey, Eleanor PN 2025-02-28 9.850 9.475 9.825 10.000 38.625
Cruz, Angela 7 2012-01-20 8.950 7.650 8.400 8.875 33.875
Cuevas, Elisa GN 2023-04-21 9.100 9.200 9.400 9.325 36.775
Curran, Alexis 4 2012-01-20 8.750 7.750 6.250 7.425 30.175
Daniels, London 2BN 2025-02-21 9.300 9.225 8.250 8.500 34.300
Danner, Alyson XS 2020-02-07 9.450 9.600 9.375 9.400 37.350
Dargon, Zoe XB 2019-04-13 9.050 9.250 9.425 9.425 36.800
David, Liyah 3 2018-11-16 8.900 8.600 7.575 8.675 33.750
Davidson, Jenna 8N 2023-06-17 9.525 9.525 9.550 9.625 37.375
Davis, Ansley 6 2011-09-24 9.450 9.350 9.000 9.075 35.475
Davis, Gabrielle 5 2011-09-08 9.275 8.800 8.675 8.850 35.150
Davis, Kristen 4 2017-04-29 9.425 9.350 9.100 9.575 36.600
Davis, Mia 3 2018-11-16 9.200 9.050 8.300 9.300 35.850
Davis, Mya 3 2019-04-26 9.200 8.750 9.225 9.050 35.875
Davis, Nadia 4 2017-04-29 9.350 9.550 9.300 9.500 36.925
Davis, Shannon 9 2018-03-16 9.600 8.850 8.900 9.450 35.900
Day, Aziza 10 2012-02-25 9.175 9.350 8.900 9.250 36.000
Day, Mecca U4 2005-02-11 8.950 8.800 8.800 8.925 35.475
De La Rosa, Jerrilyn 3 2017-04-29 9.825 9.275 9.350 9.450 37.300
Dean, Courtney 6 2005-11-18 9.625 8.625 8.450 8.700 35.400
Debebe, Abigail 3 2018-04-27 9.600 9.200 9.575 9.450 37.300
Del Rio, Victoria XS 2020-02-07 9.025 9.050 8.900 8.700 34.800
Demissie, Abigail XS 2020-02-07 9.300 9.575 9.350 9.275 36.650
Dhuri, Tanvi 7 2020-02-06 9.750 9.775 9.500 9.725 38.725
Dietsch, Samantha GN 2025-02-28 9.000 9.475 9.025 9.250 36.525
Dietsch, Sammi XG 2025-01-10 8.550 9.075 9.075 9.275 35.975
Diffenderfer, Kari 10 2009-05-14 9.500 9.600 9.450 9.575 37.900
DiLeo, Caiera 3N 2025-02-28 9.200 9.725 9.325 9.475 37.450
DiLeo, Kaylee 3N 2025-02-28 9.700 9.475 9.325 9.350 37.225
Dizon, Celia 7 2015-04-24 9.425 9.050 9.250 9.225 36.450
Downes, Ashley XP 2020-02-07 9.500 9.375 9.300 9.475 37.000
Dumas, Kamori XG 2025-01-10 8.400 8.800 7.650 9.050 33.900
Dutton, Brittany 10 2005-11-18 8.650 9.025 8.350 8.900 34.925
Easom, Bethany U6 2005-02-11 9.250 8.300 8.850 7.950 34.350
Eastman, Meghan 10 2005-11-18 9.025 8.950 9.000 8.850 35.825
Elliott, Kayli DN 2025-02-28 9.600 9.725 9.625 9.725 38.100
Ellis, Zybriauna 8 2017-02-09 8.925 8.550 8.700 8.850 34.300
Elrod, Lorie U5 2005-02-11 8.600 9.050 9.175 9.000 35.825
Elzer, Kenlee DN 2024-05-17 9.450 9.300 9.400 9.700 37.300
Elzer, Reese DN 2024-05-17 9.275 9.525 9.425 9.650 37.175
Escarra, Shannon 10 2008-03-14 9.375 8.350 9.225 8.400 35.350
Escobar, Bethany 9 2010-03-06 8.800 9.100 9.100 9.225 35.225
Evans, Londyn 3 2018-11-16 9.575 8.600 8.550 8.975 35.700
Evans, Taja PN 2022-06-08 9.625 9.650 9.500 9.700 37.950
Evenchick, Jessica 3 2015-04-24 9.325 9.250 9.225 8.800 35.900
Everson, Miranda 6 2021-03-12 8.850 8.850 9.500 9.400 36.600
Faison, Malia PN 2022-06-08 9.450 9.450 9.125 9.300 36.775
Fann, Angel 4 2018-01-04 9.275 9.100 9.500 9.500 36.300
Fields, Sydney 4 2017-03-03 9.400 9.575 9.525 9.550 37.350
Fisher, Emma 4 2014-05-02 8.950 9.500 8.450 8.900 35.325
Fitelli, Milani 4N 2022-06-08 8.600 8.850 8.800 9.000 35.250
Fleri, Ashley 7 2009-04-03 9.450 9.200 8.700 8.750 35.125
Foster, Nya 4 2014-05-02 9.350 9.275 8.850 9.125 35.525
Funderburk, Logan 3N 2025-02-28 9.475 9.600 9.400 9.475 37.725
Futch, Ashleigh 6 2012-01-20 9.175 9.075 8.425 9.225 35.300
Futch, Cecilia 7A 2012-02-25 9.050 8.550 8.250 8.725 33.725
Futch, Marilza 8 2010-02-19 8.300 9.100 0.000 8.925 26.325
Futch, Maritza 9 2012-05-03 9.325 9.425 9.250 9.400 36.900
Garcia, Samara 6 2017-03-17 9.175 8.950 9.350 9.300 36.150
Garrett, Jaida 7 2015-03-27 9.550 9.300 8.800 9.400 36.350
Gatling, Aurielle XB 2019-04-13 9.350 9.250 9.300 9.075 36.600
Gawronski, Ava 4 2012-01-20 8.850 8.000 8.300 7.725 31.550
Gay, Tayla 7 2012-11-17 9.525 6.700 7.050 9.200 32.475
Gayle, Khloe GN 2024-04-19 9.200 9.400 9.450 9.550 37.350
Gaylord, Faith 10 2010-02-04 8.600 7.900 8.900 9.275 33.950
Gaylord, Faith 10 2010-03-20 8.950 7.350 8.950 8.725 33.675
George, Asher DN 2024-06-08 9.575 9.825 9.675 9.800 38.175
Getahoun, Yadi XS 2020-02-07 9.100 9.350 9.250 9.375 35.825
Gill, Simar GN 2025-02-28 9.050 9.300 9.125 9.500 36.675
Gill, Surveen 3N 2025-02-28 9.200 9.250 9.525 9.550 37.000
Gleaton, Ryann 9 2008-03-14 9.400 8.775 8.500 9.000 35.675
Glenn, Kemora 4 2017-11-17 9.550 9.300 9.125 9.475 37.225
Godfrey, Morgan GN 2023-04-21 9.200 9.100 9.600 9.800 36.950
Goines, Hazel GN 2025-02-28 8.900 8.850 9.225 8.825 35.700
Gomas, Zoe PN 2025-02-28 9.500 9.750 9.550 9.850 38.425
Gonzales, Braxton 7 2019-03-29 9.525 9.175 9.525 9.525 37.075
Gonzalez Uvera, Sophie 5N 2022-06-08 9.050 9.025 8.350 8.900 35.275
Gonzalez, Sophie 5N 2022-01-21 9.350 9.575 9.450 9.500 37.525
Goodman, Emily PN 2022-06-08 9.625 9.150 9.425 9.475 36.575
Gordon, Kacie U5 2005-02-11 8.750 8.000 8.025 8.700 33.475
Grace Armstrong, Emma PN 2025-02-28 9.000 9.525 9.600 9.300 36.650
Grace Harper, Olivia PG 2010-03-06 9.050 9.100 8.950 9.350 35.450
Graves, Reagan DN 2025-02-28 9.775 9.425 9.850 9.800 38.175
Greco, Eliza 5 2011-01-21 9.000 8.675 8.850 8.850 34.850
Green, Gabby XB 2019-04-13 9.200 9.325 9.325 9.700 37.000
Green, Jada XP 2019-05-02 9.400 9.425 9.350 9.625 37.650
Green-Wagner, Gabrielle XS 2020-02-07 9.600 9.450 9.525 9.675 37.550
Gregg, Alyssa 3N 2025-02-28 8.925 9.450 8.950 9.100 36.250
Grizzard, Haylee PlatinumAllStar 2011-04-29 9.300 9.300 8.875 9.225 36.225
Gross, Catherine 9 2015-03-20 8.725 9.225 9.100 9.500 36.075
Guinn, Nia 4 2011-11-04 9.175 8.600 8.575 8.700 34.425
Gurban, Melissa XG 2020-02-07 9.425 9.300 9.050 9.275 36.550
Hagerman, Katie 10 2005-11-18 8.875 7.700 8.875 9.150 34.600
Hailemichael, Talieh PL 2022-04-07 9.450 9.650 9.375 9.475 37.625
Halbig, Sarah 9 2018-04-12 9.425 9.600 9.500 9.375 37.350
Halsey, Christie 4 2017-01-27 9.475 9.150 9.225 8.875 36.350
Hannah, Alyssa 4 2012-01-20 9.650 9.475 9.250 9.500 37.325
Harcourt, Michelle 4 2015-03-28 9.225 8.825 8.950 9.075 35.000
Harcourt, Rebecca 6 2015-03-06 9.100 9.200 9.050 8.950 35.475
Harper, Denver PN 2025-02-28 9.450 9.550 9.325 9.650 37.075
Harriman, Alicia 4 2012-01-20 9.600 9.000 8.375 8.925 35.775
Harriman, Elizabeth 5 2011-10-29 9.400 9.000 8.250 8.925 35.275
Harrison, Maleah PN 2025-02-28 9.575 9.550 9.500 9.775 37.175
Hartman, Clara 3 2018-04-27 9.650 8.850 9.375 9.250 36.650
Hashweh, Lucene 2BN 2025-02-21 9.075 9.450 9.350 9.450 37.075
Hazelrigs, Lauren 8 2018-03-09 9.375 9.100 9.325 9.250 36.575
Heath, Zoey 6 2020-02-06 9.350 9.200 9.175 9.625 37.200
Hemingway, Dahlia 2BN 2025-02-21 8.900 9.700 9.375 9.450 37.425
Hennington, Isabella XG 2020-02-07 9.150 9.600 9.400 9.300 36.900
Henry, Zurielle GN 2024-03-16 8.500 8.800 9.025 9.200 35.525
Hergovicova, Nikki 3 2015-04-24 9.550 9.475 9.575 9.375 36.875
Hermansen, Nicole 9 2010-03-06 8.475 8.450 8.250 9.125 34.050
Herry, Zurielle PN 2025-02-28 9.000 8.950 9.250 9.300 36.100
Higgins, McKenzie 2BN 2025-02-21 8.950 9.300 8.700 8.825 35.775
Hilario, Kara PN 2025-02-28 9.475 9.150 9.550 9.700 37.300
Hill, Aubrey DN 2025-02-28 9.350 9.350 9.800 9.400 37.125
Hill, Casey 9 2008-03-14 8.800 8.350 8.300 9.100 34.550
Hill, Jayden 6 2020-02-06 9.575 9.200 9.525 9.475 36.700
Hodges, Brittany 9 2008-03-14 8.600 5.700 7.400 9.000 30.700
Hodges, Katelyn 3 2014-05-02 9.400 8.850 8.850 8.925 35.325
Holder, Katheryn PN 2025-02-28 9.450 9.225 9.650 9.425 37.150
Holloway, Madelyn 4 2008-10-24 8.650 8.100 8.150 8.000 32.575
Holly, Mackenzie 4 2011-01-21 9.500 8.900 8.850 9.150 35.750
Holmes, Melia 4 2012-01-20 9.075 8.750 7.950 8.650 33.900
Hou, Eleanor 3N 2025-02-28 8.750 9.675 9.125 9.325 36.300
Houseworth, Braxton 6 2020-02-06 9.800 9.400 9.250 9.500 37.500
Howson, Emani 5 2011-09-24 8.650 9.175 8.600 8.600 35.025
Howson, Monet 5 2012-01-20 8.100 8.425 8.650 8.400 33.575
Howson, Monique 4 2012-01-20 9.050 9.000 8.250 8.850 35.150
Howze, Zion PN 2025-02-28 8.950 9.225 9.600 9.500 36.100
Hudson, Anna GN 2024-03-16 8.750 9.300 9.500 9.500 36.700
Hudson, Kennedy 6 2020-02-06 9.550 9.575 9.500 9.675 37.825
Huggins, Kalani 6 2021-02-12 9.000 8.750 9.000 9.200 34.975
Huish, Macy 9 2015-03-20 9.500 9.000 8.550 9.250 34.750
Huseman, Emily GN 2023-04-21 8.950 9.325 9.400 9.325 36.375
Hutchins, Jaelyn PN 2025-02-28 9.375 9.525 9.550 9.350 37.325
Huynh, Britney 3 2018-04-27 9.775 9.350 9.350 9.700 37.825
Igali, Debbygrace XS 2019-01-11 8.675 9.100 8.400 8.850 34.825
Igwe, Katara XG 2020-02-07 9.100 9.450 9.225 9.250 36.175
Illas, Saviannah 3 2015-04-24 9.725 9.250 9.600 9.200 37.500
Ivy, Cara 3N 2023-04-21 9.400 8.625 8.300 9.550 35.000
Ivy, Christine GN 2024-04-19 9.500 9.150 9.375 9.650 37.300
Jackson, Essence GN 2023-04-21 9.525 9.225 9.500 9.575 36.625
Jarrett, Izabele 3 2018-04-27 9.500 9.500 9.250 9.650 37.725
Jarvis, Kelsey 5N 2023-04-21 9.500 9.450 9.350 9.900 36.900
Jerkins-Sanders, Leena 2BN 2025-02-21 9.100 9.250 8.775 9.300 36.350
Johnson, Arianna 7N 2022-06-08 9.375 9.400 9.700 9.650 37.725
Johnson, Charlotte 2BN 2025-02-21 8.775 8.250 8.900 8.875 34.800
Johnson, Lauren 10 2013-04-12 9.750 9.500 9.500 9.650 37.775
Johnson, Lorena 10 2003-05-01 9.400 9.275 8.500 9.500 36.675
Johnson, Melleah 6 2020-02-06 9.200 9.450 9.125 9.400 36.575
Johnson, Peyton 3 2018-11-16 9.375 9.350 8.000 9.200 35.925
Jones, Amani 3 2022-04-07 8.950 8.900 8.650 8.350 34.700
Jones, Antoinette 5N 2022-06-08 9.575 9.500 9.550 9.450 37.975
Jones, Hazel 2BN 2025-02-21 8.900 8.250 8.525 9.125 34.700
Jones, Jade 7N 2022-06-08 9.575 9.700 9.600 9.775 37.800
Jones, Katerina PG 2010-03-06 8.375 8.400 9.075 8.600 33.600
Jones, Makenna XG 2021-04-30 9.500 9.550 9.275 9.475 37.150
Jones, McKenna 3 2018-11-16 8.000 8.500 8.425 8.600 33.525
Jones, Nicole 8 2005-11-18 9.325 9.350 0.000 8.575 27.250
Jones, Peyton GN 2023-04-21 8.750 9.100 8.800 9.475 35.525
Jones, Sophia XS 2020-02-07 9.100 9.125 9.150 9.250 36.425
Jordan, Zoe PN 2025-02-28 9.900 9.575 9.600 9.925 38.800
Jowers, Caroline 4 2022-04-07 9.375 9.550 9.200 9.625 37.500
Kalifeh, Emily 8 2017-04-20 9.625 9.575 9.425 9.500 37.475
Kametches, Asja-Joy 5 2011-10-29 8.700 7.500 8.925 8.625 33.750
Kang, Laila 3N 2025-02-28 9.525 9.650 9.625 9.650 37.900
Kasha, Faith 7 2013-03-22 9.525 9.150 9.100 9.400 36.575
Kaspar, Atalina GN 2025-02-28 9.600 9.600 9.750 9.450 37.950
Kate Whitten, Emma XS 2025-01-10 8.550 9.250 9.225 9.500 36.525
Keerti, Sanya 4 2017-04-29 9.250 9.575 9.475 9.250 36.950
Kharns, Zoe GN 2025-02-28 9.300 8.800 9.150 9.500 36.450
Killebrew, Loganne 4 2017-04-29 9.400 8.650 9.000 9.525 35.800
Kimmel, Marley 3 2018-11-16 8.925 8.875 9.200 9.075 36.075
Kinamon, Tori 8 2008-03-14 8.200 9.000 8.800 9.375 35.375
Kinkead, Gaelan 4 2016-04-29 9.575 9.500 9.200 9.400 37.375
Knodle, Alexis GN 2025-02-28 9.475 9.550 9.625 9.600 38.125
Knowles, Domnique XG 2012-04-27 9.350 8.950 8.650 9.100 35.575
Konwro, Laussie 9 2022-04-07 9.550 9.500 9.475 9.500 37.250
Labrador Guerrero, Valeria Sofia PN 2025-02-28 9.400 9.350 9.550 9.750 37.550
Labrador, Valeria GN 2022-01-21 8.450 9.050 8.900 8.425 34.825
LaBuhn, Rhianna 3 2016-04-29 9.450 8.700 8.850 8.675 35.575
Lant, Makensie 10 2005-11-18 8.875 0.000 7.600 9.350 25.825
Lavallee, Blythe 3 2018-04-27 9.400 9.300 9.100 9.475 37.275
Lee, Brielle XP 2021-04-30 9.075 9.350 9.400 9.400 36.650
Lee, Madison 8 2018-03-23 9.525 9.600 9.475 9.350 37.600
Lee, Meagan 9 2018-03-16 9.375 9.325 9.350 9.475 36.375
Leonard, Avery GN 2023-04-21 9.150 9.425 9.275 9.450 36.600
Lev, Maisha 9 2018-03-16 9.425 9.225 9.575 9.500 37.025
Lewis, Anaia 6N 2023-05-20 9.625 9.700 9.500 9.600 37.625
Lewis, Gabrielle XS 2020-02-07 8.850 9.550 9.125 9.275 36.800
Lockhart, Brooklyn XS 2019-04-13 9.475 9.100 9.225 9.475 36.875
Logan, Amariah 9N 2025-02-28 9.825 9.575 9.625 9.575 37.925
Louise Hudson, Anna PN 2025-02-28 9.000 9.650 9.650 9.725 37.525
Love, Taylor 3 2015-03-28 9.000 9.025 7.750 8.750 33.975
Lumpkins, Mya XS 2020-02-07 9.400 9.050 8.850 9.250 35.800
Lundy, Alex 10 2010-02-19 9.100 8.550 8.350 9.475 35.050
Lundy, Alex 10 2012-04-13 9.375 9.300 9.475 9.450 37.400
Lundy, Alexis 10 2010-01-15 8.900 6.250 7.000 9.250 31.400
Mack, Isabella 3N 2022-06-08 9.225 9.100 9.150 9.075 35.875
Magri, Stephanie 5 2011-01-21 9.500 9.000 9.100 9.425 36.425
Mahon, Shailo XS 2020-02-07 9.375 9.550 9.400 9.625 37.600
Mang, Kaia 6N 2023-05-20 9.575 9.500 9.500 9.700 37.525
Mari, Kiara 5N 2024-04-19 9.950 9.175 9.500 9.825 37.050
Marshall, Delaney XG 2021-03-12 8.900 9.200 9.400 9.350 36.100
Martinez, Viviana 2BN 2025-02-21 9.525 9.400 8.950 9.175 37.050
Maupin, Kaci GN 2025-02-28 8.900 9.300 8.800 9.250 35.875
Maxwell, Alana PN 2025-02-28 9.675 9.200 9.200 9.900 37.050
Maxwell, Aleah PN 2025-02-28 9.500 9.600 9.475 9.900 37.825
Maxwell, Lala XP 2025-01-10 8.575 8.700 7.900 9.350 32.725
Maxwell, Lele XP 2025-01-10 8.950 9.300 9.000 9.175 36.425
Mayer, Elle 7 2012-03-30 9.500 8.550 8.900 9.300 35.600
Mayer, Elle 7 2012-02-03 9.575 8.550 8.300 9.050 35.475
Mayers, Alanna GN 2025-02-28 9.350 8.950 8.675 9.400 35.750
Mayham, Laiya XG 2021-04-09 9.450 9.225 9.050 9.575 36.500
Mayham, Lisha XP 2021-04-30 9.200 9.200 9.475 9.450 36.625
McBryde, Laiyah GN 2025-02-28 8.850 9.400 9.100 8.825 35.425
McCarty, Lia 3N 2025-02-28 9.250 9.300 9.475 9.500 36.800
McClain, Erica 10 2010-01-15 9.125 7.350 9.075 7.800 33.350
McCollum, Ava 3N 2023-04-21 8.900 8.450 8.700 8.825 34.650
McCormick, Jennifer XS 2021-03-12 9.375 9.225 9.050 9.175 36.050
McCray, Grace GN 2025-02-28 9.000 9.350 9.175 9.550 37.075
McCray, Skylar GN 2023-04-21 9.450 9.250 9.500 9.725 37.425
McCray-Willis McCray, Skylar XG 2023-01-06 8.800 8.700 8.950 0.000 26.450
McCullough, Brooke DN 2023-04-21 9.400 9.525 9.375 9.625 37.050
McCutchen, Quaneice 9 2013-11-22 9.500 9.400 9.325 9.475 37.150
McFadden, Maya 4 2013-05-04 9.000 9.250 8.600 9.000 35.850
Meeks, Ashley 10 2009-05-16 9.325 9.025 9.500 9.575 36.750
Mercado, Melanie 3 2018-11-16 8.975 7.650 9.000 9.300 34.925
Merritt, Asiah 6 2015-01-09 9.550 9.425 9.375 9.150 36.725
Messer, Emilee 4 2010-01-15 8.950 8.800 7.575 8.950 33.575
Metcalf, Megan 7 2008-04-05 8.700 8.800 9.075 9.275 35.450
Michel, Evie 3 2019-04-26 9.300 9.475 9.250 9.700 37.400
Miles, Morgan 4 2014-05-02 8.650 8.750 8.550 8.700 34.650
Miller, Alexis GN 2025-02-21 5.000 0.000 7.800 8.750 21.550
Miller, Tatum 6 2018-03-16 9.400 8.250 9.400 9.425 35.600
Mincey, Payton 4N 2022-06-08 9.425 9.350 9.550 9.375 37.125
Mincey, Skylar 6N 2023-05-20 9.400 9.425 9.550 9.500 37.375
Mitchell, Faith 5 2013-05-04 8.750 8.675 9.025 8.900 34.600
Mitchell, Kinley GN 2024-04-19 9.400 9.125 9.325 9.425 36.875
Mitchell, Kyle PN 2025-02-28 9.450 9.500 9.400 9.500 37.400
Mitchell, Lea 10 2011-04-15 9.225 8.700 9.125 9.475 35.375
Moore-Coman, Xaria 2BN 2025-02-21 9.500 8.750 9.350 9.475 37.075
Moorehead, Krystal 6 2018-03-16 9.550 9.550 9.450 9.475 36.975
Morales-Prince, Avalynn GN 2025-02-28 9.150 9.100 9.150 9.225 36.350
Moreno, Natalie 6 2017-03-17 9.425 9.625 9.300 9.450 37.075
Morgan, Stephanie 9 2005-11-18 9.000 8.950 8.750 8.700 34.650
Morgan, Zora 4 2011-11-04 8.950 8.400 9.000 8.850 34.700
Morris, Caitlin 8 2009-03-28 8.975 8.850 8.350 9.100 34.925
Moshaal, Ghazal 3N 2022-01-21 7.850 9.025 8.575 8.525 33.975
Moss, Kerami 5 2012-01-20 9.650 9.075 9.025 9.050 36.600
Mott, Zoe GN 2025-02-28 9.000 9.125 8.600 9.025 35.500
Muirhead, Kayla 8 2010-03-20 9.000 8.300 9.375 9.400 35.900
Mulrhead, Kayla 8 2010-02-19 8.150 0.000 9.350 8.900 26.400
Munro, Mira 8 2014-11-20 8.675 8.875 9.325 9.275 35.925
Munro, Paige 8 2015-03-27 9.250 8.350 9.125 9.175 35.100
Murphy, Sara 6 2008-10-24 6.825 6.825 8.550 8.725 32.625
Myles, Morgan 6 2016-03-18 9.150 8.900 9.125 9.050 35.850
Nagy, Brandelyn 7 2009-04-03 9.450 8.300 7.350 9.225 33.700
Nagy, Brooklyn 9 2009-03-28 8.250 8.450 9.100 8.325 33.475
Ndukwe, Uzochi DN 2025-02-28 9.700 9.800 9.800 9.825 38.925
Neal, Nyrie 2BN 2024-04-19 8.400 8.850 8.900 9.000 34.650
Needham, Gracie 4 2011-11-04 9.600 9.375 9.050 9.475 36.800
Nicosia, Evelyn PN 2024-04-19 9.475 9.575 9.475 9.575 37.850
Noble, Mia PN 2022-01-21 9.550 9.550 9.425 9.325 37.150
O'Donoghue, Aubree PN 2025-02-28 9.450 9.550 9.900 9.650 38.275
O'Neil, Megan 8 2014-03-29 9.000 8.950 9.350 9.175 35.325
O’Donoghue, Aubree XP 2025-01-10 8.900 8.550 8.600 8.800 34.850
Ogbuehi, Ahria 6 2020-02-06 9.350 9.625 9.550 9.500 37.900
Ogoun, Eremi 6N 2023-05-20 9.850 9.525 9.375 9.750 38.075
Olojo, Ansley GN 2025-02-28 9.250 9.425 9.575 9.625 37.325
Olvera, Michelle 3N 2025-02-28 9.225 9.625 9.500 9.275 37.100
Opoku-Darkwa, Serwaa XP 2021-04-30 9.350 9.250 9.650 9.600 37.325
Ostrand, Caroline GN 2025-02-28 9.650 9.625 9.600 9.500 37.700
Outlaw, Ariel 10 2014-04-10 9.550 8.975 9.325 9.475 36.350
Oyekola, Grace 3 2014-02-28 9.200 8.600 8.300 9.100 34.925
Palma, Hailey DN 2024-03-16 9.600 9.475 9.375 9.600 37.225
Parikh, Pratyaksha 10 2011-04-15 9.250 9.200 9.475 9.400 37.275
Parker, Jaela 7 2022-04-07 9.450 9.375 9.575 9.525 37.225
Parker, Jaela 3 2018-11-16 8.925 8.875 9.200 9.075 36.075
Parnell, Julia XP 2020-02-07 9.700 9.325 9.350 9.525 37.375
Patel, Meghan PL 2022-04-07 9.350 9.700 9.575 9.525 37.675
Patterson, Vivienne 2BN 2025-02-21 8.825 9.125 9.225 9.350 36.400
Patton, Kennedy 4 2015-03-28 9.000 8.500 8.200 8.575 34.050
Pearson, Calle 7 2019-04-25 9.600 9.800 9.425 9.500 37.675
Pearson, Kiersten 6 2021-04-23 9.550 9.425 9.600 9.425 37.100
Peguero, Sahara GN 2023-04-21 9.200 9.400 9.525 9.750 37.250
Pender, Sierra 10 2014-04-10 9.400 9.225 8.750 9.175 35.350
Penn-Jones, Penelope XS 2019-04-13 9.550 9.100 9.400 9.175 36.400
Perkins, Zauria GN 2023-04-21 9.300 9.500 9.425 9.600 37.550
Persel, Julieta DN 2025-02-28 9.525 9.700 9.950 9.850 38.800
Pfohl, Whitney 10 2008-03-14 9.100 7.850 9.150 9.400 34.300
Pilici, Kaltrina XS 2020-02-07 9.100 9.450 9.025 9.200 36.075
Pilz, Sadie 7A 2012-02-25 8.800 8.900 8.825 8.975 33.775
Pilz, Savannah 7 2012-03-30 9.150 9.350 9.400 9.200 36.675
Polard, Arianna 8 2018-01-18 9.650 9.575 9.650 9.750 38.350
Ponder, Jaliyah 6 2020-02-06 9.450 9.300 9.475 9.475 36.800
Pounds, Camryn XS 2020-02-07 9.050 9.225 9.475 9.150 36.425
Powell, Carley 9 2008-03-14 8.100 7.550 7.250 0.000 22.900
Powell, Jemini 5 2011-01-21 9.150 9.100 9.125 9.300 36.050
Pritchett, Savannah 5 2010-01-15 8.650 8.500 8.000 8.750 33.900
Puckett, Lindsey 10 2005-05-12 9.650 9.000 9.525 9.475 37.400
Pulavendran, Nanmaya 3N 2025-02-28 8.650 9.175 9.300 9.275 36.225
Pyatt, Jessie 8A 2013-02-15 9.200 8.450 8.600 9.375 35.625
Quettan, Madison 6 2021-03-19 9.225 9.100 9.200 9.125 35.750
Quettan, Madison 3 2018-11-16 8.950 8.100 8.500 9.050 34.600
Rachels, Jenna 10 2010-03-20 9.200 9.250 9.100 9.400 35.325
Ramirez-Garcia, Veronica 7N 2022-06-08 9.575 9.475 9.475 9.500 37.325
Ramzy, Sarah 5N 2023-04-21 9.150 9.725 9.475 9.475 36.925
Randolph, De'osha 6 2009-09-26 8.050 5.200 6.550 7.100 26.900
Redd, Heaven 3 2018-04-27 9.700 9.450 8.650 9.475 36.650
Reed, Jordan 4 2010-01-15 8.650 7.950 7.600 8.500 31.050
Reimmer, Angelique GN 2023-03-03 9.100 9.550 9.300 9.400 36.600
Renae Segueda, Rosie GN 2025-02-28 9.100 8.800 8.925 8.650 34.900
Rhodes, Shanniyah GN 2025-02-28 8.750 8.925 8.625 8.750 35.050
Rice, Honor PN 2025-02-28 9.100 9.575 9.100 9.425 36.700
Richardson, Christian XS 2020-02-07 9.350 9.550 9.650 9.700 37.300
Rivas, Kia 3 2015-02-06 9.300 9.050 8.300 0.000 26.650
Rivas-Bohorquez, Kia 3 2015-03-28 9.150 8.950 8.600 0.000 26.500
Robertson, Alyssa XS 2019-04-13 9.200 9.050 9.175 9.050 36.050
Robinson, Briana 7 2005-11-18 9.400 4.300 8.575 8.575 30.750
Robinson, Christina 4 2014-05-02 9.025 9.200 8.725 8.675 34.750
Robinson, Noa 3N 2025-02-28 9.100 9.225 9.475 9.500 37.175
Rockwell, Taryn GN 2024-04-19 9.400 9.750 9.000 9.425 37.175
Roland, Nohemi 4 2016-04-02 8.650 8.900 8.875 8.450 34.875
Roldan, Nohemi 6 2017-11-17 9.100 8.850 9.000 9.300 35.725
Rooney, Paige XP 2020-02-07 8.775 9.000 8.950 8.850 35.500
Rose Fenchak, Annah 3 2015-04-24 9.175 8.850 9.300 9.000 35.800
Ross, Raegan 8 2017-03-03 9.800 9.625 9.275 9.500 37.275
Roy, Saara 4 2018-03-09 9.675 9.250 9.250 9.400 36.800
Royster, Lyric 6 2018-03-16 9.375 8.925 9.075 9.450 36.300
Rubio, Gabriella XS 2020-02-07 9.200 9.100 9.025 9.000 35.650
Russell, Amie PN 2024-05-17 9.350 9.400 9.450 9.800 37.250
Sak, Jordyn 4 2005-11-18 9.400 8.900 8.800 8.950 35.950
Saldana, Maya XB 2019-04-13 9.050 9.300 9.575 9.125 36.475
Saleem, Layla 3N 2025-02-28 9.200 9.650 9.275 9.375 36.550
Saleem, Skylar GN 2025-02-28 9.300 9.050 9.225 9.725 37.300
Salvanera, Alexis 8 2008-03-14 7.850 8.700 8.700 8.750 34.000
Sam, Sierra 3N 2025-02-28 9.375 9.300 9.525 9.500 36.975
Sambron..., Davin 6 2016-03-18 8.950 8.875 9.350 9.275 36.450
Sambrone-Da, Davin 3 2014-02-28 8.775 8.550 8.600 9.200 35.125
Sambrone-Darkins, Davin 8 2018-03-23 9.500 9.425 9.225 9.650 36.750
Samuel, Kal 3N 2025-02-28 9.175 9.275 9.150 9.150 36.325
Samuels, Rachelle GN 2025-02-28 9.250 9.400 9.500 9.325 37.150
Sanchez, Ashley XG 2019-03-08 9.350 9.050 9.025 9.250 35.900
Sanders, Arianna 5 2010-11-19 8.750 8.450 9.000 8.350 32.550
Sawtelle, Skylar 6 2016-01-22 9.000 9.550 9.350 9.125 36.425
Schade, Bella 5 2010-01-15 8.450 8.800 7.900 8.350 33.450
Schade, Bella 8 2014-11-20 9.500 9.300 8.100 9.550 35.725
Schick, Taylor 9 2005-05-06 9.000 8.700 9.350 9.325 36.375
Schieman, Kaitlin 10 2010-04-09 9.400 8.875 9.200 9.325 35.225
Schleman, Kaillin 10 2010-02-19 8.900 8.150 8.600 8.800 34.450
Schoenhern, Savannah 9 2010-01-15 8.775 8.700 8.525 8.800 34.800
Schoenherr, Savannah 10 2011-02-04 9.100 9.300 9.125 8.900 35.600
Scott, Katie U4 2005-02-11 8.875 8.925 8.250 8.900 34.950
Scott, Olivia XG 2020-02-07 9.350 9.350 9.450 9.425 36.400
Seale, Kalayia GN 2024-04-19 9.125 9.475 8.950 9.375 36.100
Segueda, Rosie XG 2025-01-10 8.950 8.550 8.400 8.825 34.725
Selcis, Isabella 4 2017-02-25 9.500 9.575 9.275 9.325 37.275
Sessler, Lauren 10 2005-11-18 9.375 9.475 9.400 9.300 36.700
Settles, Logan DN 2024-06-08 9.400 9.600 9.575 9.750 38.100
Sharpe, Grace 3 2016-04-29 9.650 9.400 9.450 9.300 36.975
Shealy, Michelle 10 2010-03-20 9.725 9.300 9.600 9.625 37.700
Shealy, Michelle 10 2010-05-07 9.650 9.475 9.625 9.750 37.875
Shepard, Katelyn 7 2017-04-20 9.700 9.500 9.600 9.575 37.725
Shepherd, Katelyn 4 2011-09-24 9.000 8.000 8.125 7.200 32.325
Sherrod, Aaliyah XS 2020-02-07 9.100 9.050 9.350 9.150 36.400
Shettles, Memory 9 2008-03-14 8.300 8.825 8.100 9.400 34.625
Shibu, Abby 4 2015-04-24 9.325 9.675 9.425 9.225 37.125
Shirley, Julianne 6 2016-11-18 9.475 8.825 8.800 8.550 35.650
Simmons, Aaliyah GN 2023-01-21 8.825 8.950 9.000 9.400 35.925
Simmons, Amber 10 2010-05-09 9.350 9.000 9.350 9.350 36.675
Sloan, Genenieve 5 2010-01-15 8.550 8.700 8.950 9.225 34.925
Sloan, Tamia GN 2023-04-21 8.900 8.150 7.950 9.200 34.200
Small, Amariah PN 2025-02-28 9.350 9.425 9.425 9.625 36.750
Small, Zy'ir GN 2023-04-21 9.250 9.500 9.525 9.550 37.350
Smith , Madelyn 7 2010-03-26 8.325 7.300 8.725 9.375 33.725
Smith, Ava GN 2025-02-28 9.350 9.200 9.125 9.625 36.775
Smith, Nadia PN 2025-02-28 9.700 8.850 9.375 9.825 37.275
Sofia Labrador Guerrero, Valeria XP 2025-01-10 9.100 9.425 9.175 9.200 36.250
Souther, McKenzie 10 2008-03-14 9.100 8.850 9.100 9.450 36.500
Spencer, Sydney 4 2012-01-20 9.150 9.025 7.725 9.300 34.550
Spier, Lauren 7 2008-03-14 9.050 9.150 7.550 8.525 34.275
St.Pierre, Reese XS 2020-02-07 9.450 9.750 9.300 9.475 37.750
Stamps, Caroline 5 2012-01-20 6.925 7.525 7.550 7.450 29.450
Starnes, Anaya 2BN 2025-02-21 9.350 9.275 8.775 8.775 35.700
Starnes, Kourtney GN 2025-02-28 9.625 9.325 8.875 9.450 37.250
Staubach, Mallory 5 2011-01-21 9.125 9.000 8.400 9.150 35.275
Steinberger, Charley 4 2022-04-07 9.375 9.625 9.825 9.225 37.275
Stephens, Meg 10 2014-03-21 9.475 9.400 9.200 9.225 36.025
Stevens, Meg 9 2011-02-04 9.300 7.800 8.200 9.225 32.675
Stidham, Ashley 6 2017-03-17 9.275 9.400 9.150 9.200 36.225
Stone, Katie 4 2010-12-03 9.425 9.025 9.075 8.950 36.475
Studstill, Bryanna 7 2017-03-31 9.250 8.850 8.900 9.225 36.100
Sumling, Trinity 3 2017-01-27 8.950 8.975 8.925 9.300 35.275
Summerour, Aubrey 5N 2023-04-21 9.300 9.250 9.400 9.600 36.900
Sutle, Evan XG 2025-01-10 8.700 8.300 8.325 8.425 33.750
Suttle, Evan GN 2025-02-28 9.500 8.850 9.000 9.150 35.550
Swafford, Samantha PN 2025-02-28 9.450 9.550 9.825 9.725 37.550
Taylor, Nia 6 2016-03-18 9.300 9.375 9.300 9.200 36.075
Taylor, Siena XB 2019-04-13 9.100 9.125 9.075 9.050 35.875
Teeter, Brooke PN 2025-02-28 9.600 9.525 9.700 9.600 37.600
Teklit, Danait GN 2025-02-28 9.550 9.600 9.425 9.500 37.750
Thomas, Kendall 4 2019-03-08 9.875 9.525 9.200 9.350 37.100
Thomas, Raya GN 2025-02-28 9.700 9.225 9.800 9.550 37.750
Thompson, Nyla XP 2019-05-02 9.450 9.500 9.675 9.700 38.225
Tinker, Isabelle 4 2018-04-27 9.700 9.200 9.200 8.800 36.775
Tinker, Lillian 7 2018-03-23 9.550 9.550 9.350 9.425 37.125
Tinker, Lilly 6 2016-01-22 9.400 9.400 8.750 8.800 35.800
Toombs, Madison 9N 2024-05-17 9.700 9.450 9.600 9.800 38.550
Toombs, Wykhia PL 2022-04-07 9.725 9.525 9.500 9.725 37.975
Toombs, Wykhia 3 2018-11-16 9.375 9.350 8.000 9.200 35.925
Torres, Catalina 8 2017-03-03 9.650 9.500 9.625 9.625 37.675
Tran, Kristina 6 2017-03-17 9.450 9.100 9.275 9.350 36.400
Trapp, Eliana 6 2012-01-20 8.750 9.100 9.025 8.600 34.675
Tuff, Kamille XS 2020-02-07 9.100 8.950 9.300 9.300 36.000
Turner, Alana PN 2024-05-17 9.600 9.325 9.500 9.600 37.700
Uwaifo, Brielle PN 2025-02-28 9.450 9.325 9.350 9.475 37.250
Valderaz, Bryanna 6 2016-03-18 8.950 9.150 9.050 9.100 35.675
Vazquez, Cameron 3 2022-04-07 9.000 9.600 9.650 9.275 37.175
Veltraino, Patricia 4 2011-11-04 9.000 7.850 8.400 7.475 32.725
Verdugo, Emma 3N 2025-02-28 9.100 9.300 9.400 9.375 36.675
Verdugo, Mia GN 2024-04-19 9.450 9.375 9.450 9.500 37.375
Vereen, Kayla 7 2018-01-18 9.550 9.500 9.375 9.500 37.375
Vetrano, Patty 4 2011-09-08 9.250 7.300 8.200 7.100 31.850
Vettraino, Patricia 4 2011-10-29 9.275 8.575 7.200 7.050 31.950
Villarreal, Marissa 8 2009-03-28 9.500 8.625 9.175 8.950 35.325
Vilminot, Maddison U4 2005-02-11 9.050 8.275 8.475 9.050 34.850
Vitelli, Milani 4 2022-04-07 9.300 9.000 9.250 9.125 36.675
Vo, Samantha 8 2010-03-20 9.225 8.800 8.950 9.100 34.975
Wainscott, Amelia 8 2010-04-16 8.675 8.600 9.175 9.375 35.250
Wang, Wendy U6 2005-02-11 9.300 8.100 8.325 8.600 34.325
Warren, Ansley 3 2018-04-27 8.900 9.000 8.750 9.125 35.025
Warthen, Zoie GN 2025-02-28 9.200 9.075 9.650 9.400 37.300
Watson, Evelyn 2BN 2025-02-21 8.150 8.150 8.625 8.900 33.050
Watson, Tori XG 2021-04-30 9.700 9.450 9.550 9.400 37.900
Watts, Sanai PN 2025-02-28 9.725 9.700 9.800 9.725 38.550
Weatherford, Emma 7 2012-04-20 9.525 9.375 9.250 9.525 37.100
Weber, Skyla GN 2025-02-28 9.600 9.300 9.525 9.625 37.575
Welch, Taeya GN 2025-02-21 9.550 9.600 9.825 9.675 38.300
White, Reece 6N 2023-02-16 9.600 9.100 9.250 9.425 37.025
Whitten, Emmaline 3N 2025-02-28 9.000 9.250 9.425 9.350 36.150
Wiggins, Anasa DN 2023-06-17 9.425 9.650 9.600 9.650 37.825
Wiggins, Nyima 3 2018-11-16 9.100 7.900 9.100 8.975 35.075
Williams, Elena PN 2025-02-28 9.050 8.700 8.825 9.325 35.900
Williams, Elliana 6N 2023-04-21 9.400 9.500 9.350 9.500 36.525
Willingham, Jasmine GoldAll-Star 2011-04-29 9.150 8.700 9.100 9.250 35.750
Wilson, Megan 4 2008-10-24 8.650 8.125 8.750 8.925 33.900
Winslow, Jai XG 2012-04-27 9.425 9.325 8.650 9.450 35.875
Winston, Gabrielle 7N 2022-06-08 9.400 9.350 9.375 9.475 36.750
Wong, Evangeline 3 2019-01-11 9.250 8.350 8.950 8.700 35.250
Wong, Nikoletta 4 2019-01-11 9.725 9.525 9.500 9.400 37.825
Woodberry, Anastasia 10 2010-04-09 9.275 9.050 8.925 9.475 36.575
Woodberry, Kristen 9 2005-05-06 8.900 9.150 8.475 9.200 35.725
Woods, Autumn PN 2025-02-28 9.600 9.675 9.575 9.700 37.525
Wright, Megan GN 2022-06-08 8.850 9.300 9.150 9.350 36.525
Wudtke, Aubrey 4 2011-10-29 8.825 8.450 7.300 7.200 31.125
Wudtke, Aubrey 4 2011-01-21 6.500 6.500 5.150 6.500 24.650
Yoon, Ashley 4 2018-04-27 9.475 9.225 9.300 9.400 37.000
Young, Devon 10 2009-03-28 9.000 8.700 8.800 9.400 35.425
Young, Maulana 8 2014-02-14 9.575 9.350 9.525 9.600 36.775
Zammett, Makayla U4 2005-02-11 8.250 7.450 8.000 8.500 32.200
Zaprianova, Victoria XS 2020-02-07 9.150 9.375 9.375 9.375 36.525
Zeleke, Naomi 6 2020-02-06 9.650 9.775 9.550 9.750 38.025
Zepeda, Angie XS 2020-02-07 9.250 9.150 9.200 9.175 36.500
Team Records
Level Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
3 29.450
29.525 29.200
4 29.100
5 28.150
6 28.725
7 28.800
8 28.050
9 27.825
10 28.550
XB 27.900
XS 28.875
XG 28.750
XP 28.275
XD 27.075
Individual Records
Level Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
3 9.875
Kendall Thomas
Larisa Burd
Aubree O%27Donoghue
Larisa Burd
Naomi Zeleke
Tanvi Dhuri
4 9.800
Raegan Ross
Calle Pearson
Chloe Carr
Dayana Castillo
Catalina Torres
Ahria Ogbuehi
5 9.500
Kelsey Jarvis
Aleah Maxwell
Uzochi Ndukwe
Bella Schade
Nadia Smith
Sarah Halbig
Eleanor Cronic-Maxey
Malauna Young
Ansley Barnett
Eleanor Cronic-Maxey
Kara Hilario
Kaia Mang
Uzochi Ndukwe
Hailey Palma
Aubrey Summerour
Kaia Mang
6 9.650
Reagan Graves
Arianna Polard
Jade Jones
Naomi Anglin
Eremi Ogoun
Arianna Polard
Arianna Polard
7 9.700
Katelyn Shepard
Madison Toombs
Brooke Baker
Catalina Torres
Madison Toombs
Madison Toombs
8 9.600
Larisa Burd
Amariah Logan
Larisa Burd
Masha Lev
Dayana Castillo
Davin Sambrone-Darkins
Larisa Burd
9 9.550
Ariel Outlaw
Brooke Baker
Sarah Halbig
Sydney Converse
Ali Ables
Brooke Baker
Maritza Futch
10 9.750
Lauren Johnson
Kari Dieffenderfer
Michelle Shealy
Michelle Shealy
Kari Dieffenderfer
XB 9.400
Taja Evans
Viviana Martinez
Christian Richardson
Gabby Green
Christian Richardson
Christian Richardson
XS 9.725
Amari Allen
Reese St.Pierre
Charley Steinberger
Trinity Brown
Trinity Brown
XG 9.700
Tori Watson
Meghan Patel
Meghan Patel
Ansley Olojo
Ava Smith
Tori Watson
XP 9.525
Wykhia Toombs
Anasa Wiggins
Nyla Thompson
Wykhia Toombs
Nyla Thompson
XD 9.200
Reagan Graves
Aubrey Hill
Julieta Persel
Reagan Graves
Julieta Persel
Gymnasts on 2025 America's Top 100
Name Level Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
Graves, Reagan XD 9.800
Ndukwe, Uzochi XD 9.700
Persel, Julieta XD 9.725
Gymnasts on 2013 America's Top 100
Name Level Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
Ross, Raegan 4 9.800
Gymnasts on 2012 America's Top 100
Name Level Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
Winslow, Jai XG 9.425
Gymnasts on 2010 America's Top 100
Name Level Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
Converse, Sydney 10 9.650
Shealy, Michelle 10 9.625
Gymnasts on 2009 America's Top 100
Name Level Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
Baker, Brooke 7 9.800
Dieffenderfer, Kari 10 9.600
Shealy, Michelle 10 9.750