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Wildcard Royale
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2018-10-132018-10-14 Wildcard GymnasticsClick here261
Meet Scores
Team Scores  Show Personal Bests    All Scores  Level:   2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  XB,  XS,  XG,  XP
#Name Team Session Level DivisionVaultBarsBeamFloorAA

1Boyd, NevaehWildcard Gymnastics 1A 2 9-109.550 19.200 19.450 19.650 137.850 1
2Monk, NariahWildcard Gymnastics 2A 3 9-109.400 19.300 19.200 19.600 137.500 1
3Easley, BrooklynWildcard Gymnastics 2A 3 6-79.350 1T9.100 19.200 19.550 137.200 1
4Sanders, KassidyWildcard Gymnastics 3A 4 8-99.200 19.300 19.400 19.250 137.150 1
5Danielson, CharlieMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 2 3 8a9.425 28.950 29.300 19.375 137.050 1
6Ambrose, EvieWildcard Gymnastics 1A 2 9-109.350 29.100 29.150 29.400 2T37.000 2
7Hartman, ClaireHard Core 2A XS 129.050 29.700 18.750 29.450 136.950 1
8Schwartz, KaitlinWildcard Gymnastics 1A 2 79.450 18.800 29.150 19.500 136.900 1
9Westphal, ZaylaHard Core 1A XB 6-79.150 29.200 29.350 19.100 236.800 1
9Hartman, KaylaFlip City Gymnastics 2A XS 10-119.150 19.300 19.150 19.200 136.800 1
11Monk, NariahWildcard Gymnastics 2 3 9b9.350 19.025 18.850 19.525 136.750 1
12Moua, AvaFlip City Gymnastics 2A XS 8-99.250 19.500 19.200 18.700 3T36.650 1
13Martin, ClaireHard Core 1A XB 6-79.050 39.250 19.100 29.150 136.550 2
14Seidl, SadieFlip City Gymnastics 2A XS 8-99.200 29.000 58.950 2T9.300 136.450 2
15Scott, LaurenWildcard Gymnastics 2A 3 11+9.300 29.000 28.650 29.400 136.350 1
16Conlon, MadisonRacine Gymnastics Center 1 3 119.425 18.575 39.150 19.100 336.250 1
16Spatola, TalyaFlip City Gymnastics 2A XS 129.250 19.100 28.600 39.300 236.250 2
18Ambrose, EvieWildcard Gymnastics 1 2 99.075 19.075 18.875 49.100 236.125 1
19Krause, AaliyahWildcard Gymnastics 3A 8 12 and Und9.450 18.700 18.750 19.200 136.100 1
19Gencuski, MyaWildcard Gymnastics 2A 3 9-109.350 29.100 28.350 39.300 236.100 2
19Stamatakou, NiaMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 3 4 89.000 18.800 29.000 19.300 136.100 1
22Southerland, CailynWildcard Gymnastics 2A 3 89.300 28.800 38.600 1T9.350 136.050 1
23Boyd, NevaehWildcard Gymnastics 1 2 109.425 18.150 18.875 19.575 136.025 1
23Schwartz, KaitlinWildcard Gymnastics 1 2 89.200 18.550 19.400 18.875 136.025 1
25Easley, BrooklynWildcard Gymnastics 1 3 6-79.425 28.575 38.600 29.400 136.000 1
25Manthy, AnnikaWildcard Gymnastics 2A 3 89.100 59.200 18.450 49.250 236.000 2
27Norton, CaraRacine Gymnastics Center 1 3 6-79.375 3T9.000 18.550 3T9.025 335.950 2
27Menzynski, JaydenWildcard Gymnastics 2A 3 6-79.350 1T9.000 28.500 39.100 235.950 2
29Cooley, JournieWildcard Gymnastics 2 3 109.075 78.600 48.750 19.425 135.850 1
29Mallon, RenateFlip City Gymnastics 2A XS 128.950 39.000 39.300 18.600 335.850 3
31Krause, AaliyahWildcard Gymnastics 4 8 All9.150 18.700 18.850 19.125 135.825 1
32Monty, PresleeHard Core 1A XB 89.350 19.500 18.400 38.500 235.750 1
32Phrakousonh, BellaWildcard Gymnastics 2A 3 11+9.450 19.200 18.000 3T9.100 235.750 2
32Galligan, TessFlip City Gymnastics 2A XS 8-98.900 49.400 28.950 2T8.500 635.750 3
32Gencuski, MyaWildcard Gymnastics 2 3 109.125 68.800 38.550 29.275 335.750 2
36Johnson, KyndalWildcard Gymnastics 2A 3 89.400 18.900 28.600 1T8.800 535.700 3
36Haser, KeiraHard Core 2A XS 10-119.100 28.800 28.700 29.100 235.700 2
38Halberstadt, LilyRacine Gymnastics Center 1 3 119.300 38.800 18.650 28.925 435.675 2
39Grining, MacieWildcard Gymnastics 2A 3 6-79.100 38.900 38.650 29.000 335.650 3
40Galassi, SofiaMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 3 4 99.050 29.000 18.500 49.075 235.625 1
41Smith, AmeiraWildcard Gymnastics 1A 2 89.300 18.200 28.650 29.450 135.600 1
42Pisani, CaitlinMiddleton 3 4 109.200 18.625 28.850 18.900 3T35.575 1
43Johnson, SarahWildcard Gymnastics 1A 2 79.100 4T8.900 18.750 68.800 7T35.550 2
44Smith, AmeiraWildcard Gymnastics 1 2 99.000 38.000 4T9.200 19.325 135.525 2
45Cooley, JournieWildcard Gymnastics 2A 3 9-109.150 38.700 38.450 29.200 335.500 3
45Southerland, CailynWildcard Gymnastics 2 3 8b9.150 48.525 48.700 19.125 135.500 1
47Eoff, AlaynaMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 2 3 8b9.175 39.025 18.250 49.000 335.450 2
48Thompson, IsabelHard Core 2A XS 8-99.100 39.200 38.100 59.000 235.400 4
49Diedrich, KaliRacine Gymnastics Center 2 3 108.850 88.925 28.300 3T9.300 235.375 3
50Schmidt, EmileeRacine Gymnastics Center 2 3 9b9.300 28.625 2T8.350 49.075 235.350 2
51White, AnnaWildcard Gymnastics 1A 2 79.200 38.000 3T9.000 29.050 335.250 3
51Ninneman, AddieMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 4 5 119.100 38.500 19.150 18.500 235.250 1
53Phrakousonh, BellaWildcard Gymnastics 1 3 129.600 18.900 18.100 28.625 135.225 1
53Johnson, KyndalWildcard Gymnastics 2 3 8b9.025 78.825 38.600 28.775 535.225 3
53Johnson, SarahWildcard Gymnastics 1 2 78.650 58.975 18.750 38.850 335.225 1
56Sanders, KassidyWildcard Gymnastics 3 4 99.100 18.800 28.000 99.300 135.200 2
56Baehler, AllyHard Core 3A XP All9.050 18.000 29.100 19.050 135.200 1
58Hegeman, CharlieWildcard Gymnastics 1A 2 79.050 68.000 3T8.850 49.250 235.150 4
59Hefty, EmilyHard Core 2A XG 12+9.000 18.000 18.900 19.200 135.100 1
59Krueger, SabrinaMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 3 4 88.100 49.050 18.950 29.000 235.100 2
61Manthy, AnnikaWildcard Gymnastics 2 3 8a9.325 38.350 5T8.300 69.100 235.075 2
61Tyler, SydneeWildcard Gymnastics 1 2 98.750 58.275 39.000 2T9.050 335.075 3
63James, LilyCSA Kids Sports Arts Campus 2 3 8a9.600 18.525 47.900 89.025 335.050 3
64Zimmerman, MeghanMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 2 3 8a8.850 89.000 18.450 3T8.725 535.025 4
65Bendykowski, KaliWildcard Gymnastics 1A 2 9-109.150 47.900 58.550 49.400 2T35.000 3
65Sackett, ReaganHard Core 1A XB 9-109.050 29.200 18.000 38.750 235.000 1
67Corrigan, SadieMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 2 3 109.500 19.000 17.900 7T8.575 534.975 4
67Baxter, LayneMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 1 2 89.150 28.450 38.750 58.625 434.975 2
69McCauley, BitsyHub City Gymnastics 2 3 9a9.200 18.450 28.400 18.900 134.950 1
70Schwade, EllieWildcard Gymnastics 1A 2 79.350 27.900 68.800 58.850 5T34.900 5
70Tyler, SydneeWildcard Gymnastics 1A 2 88.700 48.600 18.250 49.350 234.900 2
70Wilson, MaliaWildcard Gymnastics 1A 2 9-109.300 38.200 48.800 38.600 534.900 4
73Grining, MacieWildcard Gymnastics 1 3 6-79.325 58.150 48.650 18.750 534.875 3
74Cain, CiaraCSA Kids Sports Arts Campus 3 4 118.675 28.625 28.700 28.850 234.850 1
75Camara, CatarinaRacine Gymnastics Center 4 5 128.950 48.200 18.600 29.075 134.825 1
76Arnold, AbbyMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 3 4 109.125 28.675 18.250 6T8.750 734.800 2
76McCauley, AmeliaHub City Gymnastics 1A 2 78.900 88.000 3T8.900 39.000 434.800 6
78Atkins, JourniWildcard Gymnastics 3A 4 10-119.100 18.300 18.200 39.150 234.750 1
78VanHoof, LyraHub City Gymnastics 1A 2 88.900 38.000 38.700 19.150 334.750 3
80Schwade, EllieWildcard Gymnastics 1 2 78.675 48.925 28.650 4T8.475 534.725 2
81Moyle, EmmaMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 4 5 119.150 27.925 38.500 39.125 134.700 2
81Scott, LaurenWildcard Gymnastics 1 3 118.925 48.600 28.050 59.125 234.700 3
83Wilson, MaliaWildcard Gymnastics 1 2 98.950 48.300 28.850 58.575 434.675 4
84Powell, VictoriaHard Core 1A XB 6-79.200 18.800 37.950 38.650 334.600 3
84White, AnnaWildcard Gymnastics 1 2 78.775 38.000 68.850 18.975 234.600 3
86Ouradnik, AthenaMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 4 5 119.225 18.450 28.600 28.300 434.575 3
87Zimmerman, AlyssaWildcard Gymnastics 3A 4 10-118.700 27.800 38.800 19.250 134.550 2
88Zimmerman, AlyssaWildcard Gymnastics 3 4 108.850 47.850 78.750 39.075 134.525 3
88Hanson, AndreaCSA Kids Sports Arts Campus 1 3 6-78.850 88.600 28.300 5T8.775 434.525 4
90West, JuliaMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 3 4 98.450 3T8.275 59.050 18.725 434.500 3
90Atkins, JourniWildcard Gymnastics 3 4 108.300 78.500 38.800 28.900 3T34.500 4
92Carter, Ja'NiyaWildcard Gymnastics 1 2 78.300 7T8.300 48.800 29.075 134.475 4
93Thommesen, JessaWildcard Gymnastics 3A 4 8-98.850 28.000 38.400 49.200 234.450 2
93Soderling, KatelynMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 1 2 88.550 5T8.500 28.900 28.500 634.450 3
95Keen, AnabelleMiddleton 2 3 9b9.250 38.625 2T7.550 89.000 334.425 3
96Perez, MelMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 1 3 119.325 27.450 48.450 39.175 134.400 4
96Sneed, ZariWildcard Gymnastics 2A 3 89.200 48.000 4T8.250 58.950 334.400 4
98Hewitt, TatyumHub City Gymnastics 2A 3 11+9.050 38.400 38.000 3T8.900 334.350 3
98Gottschall, AvaHard Core 1A XB 9-108.100 48.600 48.750 18.900 134.350 2
100Ortiz, RheinaraMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 3 4 98.350 68.625 38.650 38.700 5T34.325 4
101Joyce, AbigailHub City Gymnastics 1A 2 9-109.050 58.300 38.400 58.500 634.250 5
102Hendrix, QuinnRacine Gymnastics Center 2 3 8b9.125 58.450 58.000 5T8.625 634.200 4
102Oestrich, OliveHard Core 1A XB 88.450 38.700 28.500 28.550 134.200 2
104Krueger, LexieMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 1 2 5-68.950 17.950 18.650 18.625 234.175 1
105Weaver, MackenzieHard Core 1A XB 9-109.200 19.000 2T7.600 48.350 334.150 3
105Hardy, LaurenWildcard Gymnastics 1A 2 79.100 4T7.500 88.700 78.850 5T34.150 7
107Jodlowski, HannaMiddleton 1 3 6-79.375 3T7.850 58.200 78.700 634.125 5
107Chesmore, LondonCSA Kids Sports Arts Campus 3 4 118.200 58.050 39.000 18.875 134.125 2
109Tomalin, StellaMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 2 3 8b9.550 18.850 26.650 99.050 234.100 5
109Thommesen, JessaWildcard Gymnastics 3 4 108.700 58.000 68.450 58.950 234.100 5
109Napralla, FinleyMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 3 4 88.275 38.600 38.700 38.525 434.100 3
112Hinze, AdriannaHard Core 1A XB 89.100 28.000 38.550 18.400 334.050 3
112Schluter, MeganFlip City Gymnastics 2A XG 11 and und8.900 18.100 18.150 28.900 234.050 1
114Reid, CoralynWildcard Gymnastics 1A 2 69.250 17.400 28.750 18.600 334.000 1
114Chang, AngelinaMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 4 5 109.150 18.050 18.300 28.500 134.000 1
114Strayer, EvelynMiddleton 1 3 6-78.975 77.400 78.550 3T9.075 234.000 6
117Bittrich, CarissaMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 1 2 88.900 37.875 58.400 78.800 2T33.975 4
118Hill, PeytonHard Core 1A XB 9-108.650 39.000 2T8.300 28.000 433.950 4
118Zelner, ArianaHard Core 3A XP All8.400 38.200 18.800 28.550 233.950 2
120Yackel, ElizabethMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 1 2 79.050 28.375 38.150 88.350 733.925 5
120Wagner, LucyMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 1 2 88.100 78.225 48.800 3T8.800 2T33.925 5
120Kline, JennaMiddleton 2 3 8a8.775 9T8.050 88.450 3T8.650 833.925 5
123Brosius, ClaireWest Side 2A XG 11 and und8.750 28.000 27.900 39.250 133.900 2
123Kollm, MaddieWildcard Gymnastics 2A 3 88.650 68.000 4T8.550 38.700 633.900 5
125Wilson, DakotaMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 2 3 8a9.125 4T8.350 5T7.550 98.850 433.875 6
126Kublank, OliviaMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 2 3 8a9.125 4T8.575 37.450 108.675 733.825 7
127Clemmons, BaileyWildcard Gymnastics 1A 2 69.100 2T7.800 17.900 29.000 133.800 2
127Elliott, HaileyHard Core 2A XS 10-118.750 38.400 3T8.350 38.300 433.800 3
127Jaskie, BrinleyWildcard Gymnastics 3A 4 8-98.050 3T8.300 28.750 38.700 333.800 3
130Krueger, TessaHub City Gymnastics 2A 3 89.250 37.500 68.050 68.850 433.650 6
130Thommesen, CamilleWildcard Gymnastics 2A 3 6-78.900 48.000 48.050 48.700 533.650 4
132Warren, IvoriRacine Gymnastics Center 2 3 9a9.175 27.750 48.000 48.700 333.625 2
133Vanderboom, MyaWildcard Gymnastics 3A 5 All Ages9.300 17.000 18.600 18.700 133.600 1
133Aiello, LexiRacine Gymnastics Center 3 4 12+8.950 17.600 38.700 28.350 233.600 1
135Menzynski, JaydenWildcard Gymnastics 1 3 6-79.025 67.650 68.300 5T8.600 833.575 7
136Smith, ShreveMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 2 3 9b9.025 57.650 78.450 28.400 533.525 4
136Pape, AdriannaMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 2 3 9a8.925 4T8.750 17.450 68.400 5T33.525 3
136Mauer, NataliaCSA Kids Sports Arts Campus 3 4 108.125 98.025 58.600 48.775 633.525 6
139Lockie, AnnaRacine Gymnastics Center 2 3 9b9.125 47.725 68.400 38.225 733.475 5
140Vang, MagdelynWildcard Gymnastics 1A 2 79.000 77.400 98.250 88.800 7T33.450 8
140Bruno, EvelynWildcard Gymnastics 1A 2 88.950 27.500 48.300 38.700 433.450 4
142Krylova, ElizabethMiddleton 2 3 9b8.975 67.500 88.100 58.850 433.425 6
143Culver-Johnson, KylieFlip City Gymnastics 2A XG 11 and und8.600 37.500 38.450 18.800 333.350 3
144Meier, LindseyMiddleton 2 3 9b8.625 88.300 48.050 68.350 633.325 7
145Malovrh, KayleaCSA Kids Sports Arts Campus 3 4 108.875 37.575 88.250 6T8.600 833.300 7
146Nicols, AmandaCSA Kids Sports Arts Campus 2 3 8b9.200 27.350 78.500 38.200 933.250 6
146Heck, MelissaWildcard Gymnastics 2A 3 11+8.650 47.200 48.800 18.600 433.250 4
146Rundle, EmilyHub City Gymnastics 3A 4 10-118.300 38.200 28.700 28.050 333.250 3
146Blair, BrielleFlip City Gymnastics 2A XS 8-98.100 68.000 68.550 48.600 533.250 5
150Bruere, AlyssaFlip City Gymnastics 2A XS 8-98.200 59.100 47.200 68.700 3T33.200 6
150Schlichte, AubreyWest Side 3 4 118.800 17.225 48.400 38.775 333.200 3
150Bruno, EvelynWildcard Gymnastics 1 2 88.675 47.550 68.450 68.525 533.200 6
153Bauer, RaylynRacine Gymnastics Center 3 4 108.450 68.375 47.500 108.825 533.150 8
154Babu, ChloeRacine Gymnastics Center 4 5 99.050 17.800 18.200 28.050 233.100 1
154Richardson, AlaynaHub City Gymnastics 3 4 98.375 58.525 47.700 118.500 933.100 5
156Yackel, JosephineMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 1 2 98.300 68.000 4T8.550 68.225 633.075 5
157Clavette, SylviaMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 2 3 8a8.775 9T7.300 108.250 78.700 633.025 8
158Spata, ShelbyHub City Gymnastics 2 3 109.175 48.050 57.350 118.425 633.000 5
158Roundy, KaitlynMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 4 5 98.750 37.275 28.450 18.525 133.000 2
160Hegeman, CharlieWildcard Gymnastics 1 2 88.550 5T7.200 78.800 3T8.400 732.950 7
160Lovelace, MarisaWildcard Gymnastics 1A 2 78.650 97.600 77.950 98.750 932.950 9
160Strayer, ClaireMiddleton 3 4 88.525 27.650 48.050 48.725 332.950 4
160Kollm, MaddieWildcard Gymnastics 2 3 8a8.050 128.175 78.550 28.175 1132.950 9
164Thommesen, CamilleWildcard Gymnastics 1 3 6-79.450 17.050 87.950 88.475 932.925 8
164Clemmons, BaileyWildcard Gymnastics 1 2 78.500 67.725 78.250 78.450 632.925 6
166Moreno, LucianaWildcard Gymnastics 3A 4 8-98.050 3T7.500 48.900 28.450 432.900 4
166Grining, EmilyWildcard Gymnastics 3A 8 12 and Und7.750 28.000 28.300 28.850 232.900 2
168Manicke, KeiarraHub City Gymnastics 2 3 108.500 117.700 78.300 3T8.350 832.850 6
169Mateo, VictoriaMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 3 4 118.325 38.675 17.200 78.600 432.800 4
170Haak, KyleeFlip City Gymnastics 2A XG 12+8.500 27.700 27.550 29.000 232.750 2
171Bingham, AnastasiaMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 4 5 128.725 68.100 27.400 58.500 3T32.725 2
172Wessels, LexieCSA Kids Sports Arts Campus 3 4 98.450 3T7.550 88.850 27.850 1132.700 6
173Blome, AllisonRacine Gymnastics Center 4 5 109.100 27.050 38.150 48.350 332.650 2T
173Strayer, LillyMiddleton 4 5 108.950 36.800 48.500 18.400 232.650 2T
173Lee, AnnikaMiddleton 3 4 98.000 97.575 78.250 7T8.825 332.650 7
173Bendykowski, KaliWildcard Gymnastics 1 2 108.525 27.050 28.300 28.775 232.650 2
177Hardy, LaurenWildcard Gymnastics 1 2 79.100 17.050 107.800 108.675 432.625 7
178Burks, JehonnaWildcard Gymnastics 1A 2 69.100 2T7.000 37.700 38.800 232.600 3
178Vitacco, LelainaRacine Gymnastics Center 2 3 9a8.925 4T8.400 36.750 88.525 432.600 4
178Bucio-Rosas, LunaWildcard Gymnastics 2A 3 6-78.700 57.200 57.800 58.900 432.600 5
178Vang, MagdelynWildcard Gymnastics 1 2 78.300 7T7.450 88.650 4T8.200 832.600 8
182Stelter, AvaWildcard Gymnastics 1 2 99.050 26.000 69.000 2T8.525 532.575 6
183Frederick, AdrianaRacine Gymnastics Center 3 4 12+8.250 56.750 59.000 18.550 132.550 2
183Murphy, BrooklynHard Core 3A XP All8.450 27.500 38.200 38.400 332.550 3
185Wilson, AveryMiddleton 2 3 9a8.950 36.600 78.250 28.725 232.525 5
186Stahl, ScarletMiddleton 4 5 129.100 26.900 58.000 38.500 3T32.500 3
186Burks, JehonnaWildcard Gymnastics 1 2 5-68.750 27.200 2T7.850 28.700 132.500 2
186Jaskie, BrinleyWildcard Gymnastics 3 4 98.100 87.900 67.800 108.700 5T32.500 8
189Sneed, ZariWildcard Gymnastics 2 3 8b8.900 87.100 88.000 5T8.475 732.475 7
190Sommers, OliviaHub City Gymnastics 2 3 109.150 57.950 66.950 128.400 732.450 7
190Fiallo, GabriellaRacine Gymnastics Center 2 3 8b9.100 66.900 97.650 78.800 432.450 8
190Lyman, AvaHub City Gymnastics 1A 2 9-108.550 67.000 68.000 68.900 432.450 6
193Hemphill, KamarryaWildcard Gymnastics 2A 3 9-108.750 48.400 46.500 48.750 432.400 4
194Vind, MadyCSA Kids Sports Arts Campus 2 3 9a8.725 77.125 58.100 38.400 5T32.350 6
195Eckenrod-Waite, ShiennaMiddleton 2 3 108.700 97.050 97.900 7T8.650 432.300 8
196Burgard, QuinnMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 1 2 78.100 108.100 58.000 97.975 1032.175 9
197Kvistad, JulietaCSA Kids Sports Arts Campus 2 3 9b8.875 77.750 57.600 77.925 832.150 8
198Zingsheim, CaitlinCSA Kids Sports Arts Campus 4 5 129.000 36.950 3T8.650 17.525 732.125 4
198Szczepanski, EvaMiddleton 4 5 108.650 47.075 28.200 38.200 432.125 4
200DiFiore, JulianaRacine Gymnastics Center 2 3 8a8.925 77.400 97.400 118.350 1032.075 10
201Bolhuis, CallaMiddleton 2 3 8b8.050 98.400 67.150 88.425 832.025 9
202Jodlowski, HaleyMiddleton 4 5 98.900 27.000 38.050 38.000 331.950 3
203Seaborg, KalliMiddleton 3 4 97.800 107.300 108.250 7T8.550 831.900 9
204Keane, AnaMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 3 4 12+8.325 38.150 17.150 78.225 331.850 3
205Drake, MeganMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 2 3 8a9.000 67.025 117.350 128.450 931.825 11
206Nelson, KateMiddleton 2 3 109.200 36.750 108.150 57.600 931.700 9
207Chrisler, EmmiMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 1 2 78.125 97.300 98.400 67.850 1131.675 10
208Malich, RebeccaMiddleton 3 4 97.250 117.375 98.450 58.475 1031.550 10
209Johnson, AddieMiddleton 4 5 13+9.125 16.850 27.450 48.100 131.525 1
210Goth, AspenMiddleton 3 4 98.150 76.300 118.400 68.575 731.425 11
211VanDerKamp, AddieMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 2 3 8a8.150 116.900 128.350 58.000 1231.400 12
212Grining, EmilyWildcard Gymnastics 4 8 All7.950 37.400 27.500 2T8.500 231.350 2
213Bucio-Rosas, LunaWildcard Gymnastics 1 3 6-78.300 116.475 117.900 98.650 731.325 9
213Heck, MelissaWildcard Gymnastics 1 3 128.650 2T6.150 38.500 18.025 331.325 2
215Ezman, EmmalynMiddleton 2 3 9a8.700 86.850 67.500 58.175 731.225 7
216Schneider, ElizabethRacine Gymnastics Center 1 3 128.650 2T7.150 27.200 38.200 231.200 3
216McGuire, JanessaCSA Kids Sports Arts Campus 3 4 117.725 67.125 58.250 48.100 531.200 5
218Reid, CoralynWildcard Gymnastics 1 2 5-68.400 47.200 2T7.350 48.200 331.150 3
219Vanderboom, MyaWildcard Gymnastics 4 5 129.300 16.650 66.400 68.750 231.100 5
219Santos, ManuelaMiddleton 1 3 6-78.600 106.800 97.600 108.100 1031.100 10
221McCauley, OliviaHub City Gymnastics 1 3 118.775 55.450 58.350 48.500 531.075 5
222Krylova, AlisaMiddleton 4 5 128.775 56.600 77.850 47.825 631.050 6
223Bowen, BaileyCSA Kids Sports Arts Campus 2 3 108.525 107.275 87.800 97.375 1030.975 10
224Moss, TerriyahMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 1 2 5-68.550 36.800 47.500 38.075 430.925 4
225Wilson, HannahFlip City Gymnastics 2A XG 12+8.400 37.500 36.300 38.700 330.900 3
226Eisele, SophiaMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 2 3 109.250 26.475 117.950 67.150 1130.825 11
227Herro, AramaeWildcard Gymnastics 3A 4 12+8.250 16.300 28.100 28.100 130.750 1
228Moreno, LucianaWildcard Gymnastics 3 4 108.100 107.050 97.750 97.800 1130.700 9
229Lindner, RachelHub City Gymnastics 3A 8 13+8.000 17.000 16.900 18.750 130.650 1
230Jaeger, AshleyHub City Gymnastics 3 4 12+8.450 27.650 27.300 57.150 530.550 4
231Huff, KyraHub City Gymnastics 3A 7 All Ages8.400 15.700 17.300 19.100 130.500 1
231Goldberg, AnnieHub City Gymnastics 3A 6 All Ages8.800 15.200 17.800 18.700 130.500 1
233Pelz, PaigeCSA Kids Sports Arts Campus 1 3 6-78.725 96.550 107.150 117.950 1130.375 11
234Polzin, AdelleRacine Gymnastics Center 4 5 128.575 76.950 3T6.350 78.450 530.325 7
235Vavilov, NoraMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 1 2 78.000 116.850 117.250 118.175 930.275 11
236Salinas, EllieRacine Gymnastics Center 4 5 118.675 45.850 47.200 48.475 330.200 4
237Venden, MiaMiddleton 3 4 118.275 46.100 67.800 67.900 730.075 6
238Xiong, MaegganWildcard Gymnastics 4 5 13+8.825 27.850 16.450 56.875 430.000 2
238Sandor, AriaWildcard Gymnastics 1A 2 58.700 16.500 26.500 38.300 130.000 1
240Kollm, MackenzieWildcard Gymnastics 1A 2 57.000 2T7.200 17.400 28.100 229.700 2
241Fahrbach, KiraWildcard Gymnastics 3A 4 12+8.000 26.500 17.650 37.500 329.650 2
242Pooni, NaharWildcard Gymnastics 3 4 12+7.700 76.000 78.650 37.275 429.625 5
243Herro, AramaeWildcard Gymnastics 3 4 12+8.300 46.400 67.950 46.925 629.575 6
244Halverson, AubreyMiddleton 3 4 107.450 115.750 118.000 88.275 929.475 10
245Pooni, NaharWildcard Gymnastics 3A 4 12+7.500 35.500 38.550 17.800 229.350 3
246Larson, MischaHub City Gymnastics 3 4 108.175 85.800 107.150 118.100 1029.225 11
247Kvam, VanesaWildcard Gymnastics 4 5 13+8.050 45.350 38.100 27.600 329.100 3
248Kvam, VanesaWildcard Gymnastics 3A 5 All Ages8.000 25.000 28.200 27.800 229.000 2
249Merkel, HannaHub City Gymnastics 3A 8 13+7.700 26.000 26.600 28.650 228.950 2
250Fahrbach, KiraWildcard Gymnastics 3 4 12+8.100 67.000 47.250 66.550 728.900 7
251Grining, CaelyrWildcard Gymnastics 4 8 All7.975 25.900 37.500 2T7.300 328.675 3
252Bilen-Rosas, YaseminMiddleton 2 3 108.150 125.800 127.450 107.075 1228.475 12
253Grining, CaelyrWildcard Gymnastics 3A 8 12 and Und7.600 35.000 37.700 38.050 328.350 3
254Vang, SophiaWildcard Gymnastics 1A 2 57.000 2T5.200 37.900 17.700 327.800 3
255Thomas, SamanthaMiddleton 2 3 9a8.800 64.950 87.200 76.450 827.400 8
256Jordan, RyleeCSA Kids Sports Arts Campus 4 5 13+7.700 53.150 47.900 36.650 525.400 4
257Champlin, AleyahHard Core 2A XS 10-110.000 48.400 3T8.000 48.750 325.150 4
257Stahl, PenelopyMiddleton 2 3 8b7.100 105.700 106.200 106.150 1025.150 10
259Murray, JaeliMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 4 5 13+8.425 30.000 58.150 18.075 224.650 5
260Roll, HarperMadtown Twisters Gymnastics 3 4 117.550 70.000 78.100 58.075 623.725 7
261Xiong, MaegganWildcard Gymnastics 3A 5 All Ages0.000 0.000 0.000 30.000