Prep and Novice North Carolina State Meet -
Prep and Novice North Carolina State Meet
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2008-04-122008-04-13 Tumblebees Ultimate Gym243
Meet Scores Level: N
Team Scores  Show Personal Bests    All Scores  Level:   N,  P1
#Name Team Session Level DivisionVaultBarsBeamFloorAA

1OVERSTREET, KALLIEKPAC N 9A9.425 29.700 210.000 19.425 338.550 1
2McGUIRE, MARGARETRose's Gymnastics Training Center N 9A9.625 19.825 19.375 39.450 238.275 2
3FEIMSTER, KARAKPAC N 89.575 19.575 59.475 39.575 138.200 1
4MELNYTSKA, ANASTASIYATumblebees Ultimate Gym N 89.375 39.675 29.775 19.300 538.125 2
5PRIDDY, KATETumblebees Ultimate Gym N 7 - 79.250 19.775 39.625 19.400 138.050 1
6CONNOR, SARAHAngier Gymnastics Plus N 12A9.500 29.550 19.575 19.350 237.975 1
7HUNTER, LOUISSAKPAC N 89.400 29.800 19.350 69.275 637.825 3
8LAWS, LYDIAKidsport Gymnastic Academy N 12B9.500 29.675 39.200 49.375 237.750 1
9TETA, SIERRALee County Gymnastics N 9A9.275 49.625 39.450 29.350 737.700 3
10WILLIAMS, MELAKidsport Gymnastic Academy N 9B9.350 29.700 19.075 19.375 137.500 1
10PFLIEGER, KAYLAOmega Gymnastics N 12A9.525 19.525 29.200 29.250 337.500 2
12BUCKINGHAM, ADDIERose's Gymnastics Training Center N 108.975 89.925 19.300 49.250 337.450 1
13CASASANTO, MIARose's Gymnastics Training Center N 9A9.325 39.500 59.125 79.425 337.375 4
14MARTIN, BRIQUELLEKPAC N 109.000 79.400 79.375 19.550 137.325 2
15BLIZZARD, JENARose's Gymnastics Training Center N 11B9.200 49.525 29.275 49.275 237.275 1
16GILLELAND, OLIVIARaleigh School of Gymnastics N 11C9.225 59.550 19.275 19.150 337.200 1
16PULIAFICO, ANDREA-LEIImpact Athletics N 12B9.250 49.450 49.425 19.075 637.200 2
18KERR, ASHLEYTumblebees Ultimate Gym N 9A9.225 59.425 69.150 69.375 637.175 5
19GERARD, MADISONRose's Gymnastics Training Center N 9A8.850 109.550 49.300 49.425 337.125 6
20DEMIRJIAN, HANNAHOmega Gymnastics N 11A8.925 59.675 19.350 29.125 537.075 1
20POLLOCK, MORGANTumblebees Ultimate Gym N 88.975 99.475 79.475 39.150 837.075 4
22KIRBY, LINDSAYTumblebees Ultimate Gym N 7 - 78.550 59.800 29.350 39.350 237.050 2
22CLARK, KAYLYNLee County Gymnastics N 12B9.375 39.775 19.225 38.675 937.050 3
24PARKS, BAILEYThe Gym Company LLC N 9B9.400 19.600 29.075 18.925 637.000 2
25RUSSELL, GRAYSONKnightdale Gymnastics N 11B9.025 69.475 39.350 29.125 536.975 2
25BASS, APRILTumblegym N 11B9.300 28.950 79.275 49.450 136.975 2
27BROWN, KARLEELumberton Gymnastics Academy Inc. N 109.200 39.325 109.375 19.050 736.950 3
28MUSTGRAVE, MEGANMorgan's Gymnastics Academy N 89.375 38.375 169.675 29.450 236.875 5
28ARMOUR, MADISONThe Gym Company LLC N 9A8.900 99.250 79.250 59.475 136.875 7
30CORREA, BRIANNAThe Gym Company LLC N 9B9.250 39.450 38.950 49.200 236.850 3
30HILL, KARAKPAC N 89.200 69.075 109.450 59.125 936.850 6
32BERGDOLT, KAYGymcarolina Gymnastics Academy N 11A8.850 79.350 59.250 39.350 136.800 2
33THEUS, ALEXANDRARose's Gymnastics Training Center N 13 -139.600 19.275 28.900 28.975 136.750 1
34DEJONGH, ELIZABETHKnightdale Gymnastics N 12A9.250 59.150 89.100 49.225 436.725 3
35BRANDES, KATHLEENGymcarolina Gymnastics Academy N 11C9.300 39.325 49.050 39.000 736.675 2
36SHERMAN, STEPHANIEStep Ahead Gymnastics N 12B9.175 59.750 28.775 68.950 736.650 4
36CHRISTIANSEN, KAITLYNLee County Gymnastics N 11C9.175 69.500 29.050 38.925 1036.650 3
38MARTIN, HALEYOmega Gymnastics N 11B9.225 39.625 19.000 88.775 936.625 4
38SHOCKEY, TIFFANYAngier Gymnastics Plus N 159.350 29.100 29.050 29.125 136.625 1
40HOLDER, BETHANYKPAC N 109.250 29.625 38.650 139.075 536.600 4
41GILL, SHELBYTumblebees Ultimate Gym N 7 - 78.550 59.850 19.075 59.100 536.575 3
42LEPOSA, TAYLORMorgan's Gymnastics Academy N 12B9.600 19.225 68.600 79.125 536.550 5
42DUGGINS, ANNAGymcarolina Gymnastics Academy N 108.900 109.400 79.200 59.050 736.550 5
44BROWN, KAITLYNOmega Gymnastics N 12B9.125 68.625 109.400 29.375 236.525 6
45DIXON, CHRISTINARose's Gymnastics Training Center N 12A9.025 89.075 109.175 39.225 436.500 4
46HERRING, MARISSALumberton Gymnastics Academy Inc. N 12A9.350 49.175 78.750 99.200 636.475 5
47DEGROFF, SHELBYOmega Gymnastics N 11A9.050 39.450 38.950 69.000 636.450 3
47ELKINS, ELIZABETHKPAC N 108.825 129.450 59.325 38.850 1236.450 6
47PIERCE, ELANAOmega Gymnastics N 108.925 99.375 98.700 119.450 236.450 6
50WEISS, CHRISTINATumblebees Ultimate Gym N 7 - 78.950 38.600 59.600 29.275 336.425 4
50ANTHONY, SCARLETTRose's Gymnastics Training Center N 108.900 109.450 58.900 89.175 436.425 8
52PRING, KELLYGymcarolina Gymnastics Academy N 11B9.200 48.750 119.225 69.225 436.400 5
53MORROW, TRINITYKPAC N 89.250 59.225 98.450 179.425 336.350 7
53SKINNER, HAVENLumberton Gymnastics Academy Inc. N 12A8.900 109.225 68.800 89.425 136.350 6
55WOODY, MEGANThe Gym Company LLC N 89.175 79.625 39.200 78.325 1836.325 8
56LANGER, CASEYGymcarolina Gymnastics Academy N 11C9.375 18.600 129.175 29.025 636.175 4
57BETHEA, SAVANNAHLumberton Gymnastics Academy Inc. N 14 -149.125 49.050 28.650 59.300 136.125 1
57BESHEL, TAYLORKidsport Gymnastic Academy N 109.150 49.175 128.725 99.075 536.125 9
59DONNELLY, MORGANThe Gym Company LLC N 11B8.900 89.425 49.375 18.400 1236.100 6
59STARR, MYRANDAHarrison Family YMCA N 14 -149.225 28.500 69.350 19.025 236.100 2
59WILLIAMS, CARSONStep Ahead Gymnastics N 11B9.350 19.350 58.450 128.950 736.100 6
59MARTENS, JORDANMorgan's Gymnastics Academy N 11A8.975 49.250 68.625 109.250 336.100 4
63THORPE, HANNAHKnightdale Gymnastics N 11A8.525 118.750 129.500 19.300 236.075 5
64MITCHELL, KATELYNKPAC N 11A9.500 19.550 27.850 129.150 436.050 6
65PASCHAL, MARYKATEAdvantage Gymnastics N 88.800 119.500 68.975 148.750 1436.025 9
66MILES, DINAISYAKidsport Gymnastic Academy N 109.325 19.725 28.050 198.900 1136.000 10
66SALYER, KRISTENOmega Gymnastics N 9A8.950 79.175 88.925 108.950 936.000 8
66SCHULTZ, CHLOEGymcarolina Gymnastics Academy N 9A8.925 89.100 99.050 98.925 1036.000 8
69LEDBETTER, KATIETumblegym N 11A9.300 29.200 88.825 88.650 1135.975 7
69JONES, JULIAHarrison Family YMCA N 11C8.850 89.025 88.825 89.275 135.975 5
71CRUM, SARAHOmega Gymnastics N 11B8.700 119.275 68.950 99.025 635.950 8
72QUINN, SYDNEYLee County Gymnastics N 11B8.550 128.800 99.325 39.250 335.925 9
72OCAMPO, DANIELALee County Gymnastics N 14 -149.250 18.725 39.200 28.750 435.925 3
74BRANDES, REBECCAGymcarolina Gymnastics Academy N 88.800 118.950 119.125 109.025 1135.900 10
75JONES, MARLYKidsport Gymnastic Academy N 88.925 109.450 89.100 118.400 1735.875 11
76BAGLEY, EMILYOmega Gymnastics N 109.050 69.600 48.200 188.975 1035.825 11
76WINKELSTEIN, SASHAArtistic Gymnastics School Inc. N 159.375 18.550 69.050 28.850 235.825 2
76KAPPEL-KNECHT, DAKOTAKnightdale Gymnastics N 9A8.700 119.025 118.850 119.250 835.825 10
79DAHN, TEMPLENorth Raleigh Gymnastics N 11C9.300 39.200 68.725 108.550 1235.775 6
80WILSON, MAKENZIEKidsport Gymnastic Academy N 88.375 169.600 48.600 169.125 935.700 12
80BLAKELY, MALLORYRaleigh School of Gymnastics N 158.700 59.450 18.900 48.650 535.700 3
82GIORDANO, MIKAELAThe Gym Company LLC N 109.125 58.875 169.200 58.450 1835.650 12
83GEIGER, GABRIELLEThe Gym Company LLC N 11C8.400 109.350 38.825 89.050 535.625 7
83SALISBURY, CLAIREGymcarolina Gymnastics Academy N 12A9.100 79.250 58.300 118.975 935.625 7
85BOETTCHER, HANNAHOmega Gymnastics N 11A8.600 109.375 49.175 58.425 1235.575 8
85OTT, TAELERTumblegym N 11A8.875 69.250 68.725 98.725 935.575 8
87BRAUER, BRITTANYRaleigh School of Gymnastics N 14 -148.350 69.450 19.050 38.650 535.500 4
87PENEYRA, KATHRYNCarolina Sport Art N 12A8.400 139.425 39.100 48.575 1135.500 8
89OLEXA, KYLIERaleigh School of Gymnastics N 88.800 118.275 179.200 79.200 735.475 13
90HATLEY, MADISONStanly County Gymnastics N 9A8.400 129.100 99.075 88.850 1135.425 11
91JACKSON, OLIVIAHarrison Family YMCA N 9B8.550 99.175 68.900 58.750 935.375 4
91SHUMACHER, BETHNorth Raleigh Gymnastics N 159.025 48.650 48.850 58.850 235.375 4
93McNEIL, McKENZIEThe Gym Company LLC N 7 - 79.175 29.450 47.525 89.200 435.350 5
93WOOD, AVERYMorgan's Gymnastics Academy N 9B8.850 59.225 48.900 58.375 1235.350 5
93LEBLANC, LAURAStep Ahead Gymnastics N 11A8.700 89.075 98.900 78.675 1035.350 10
96ZEITLER, SAMANTHARaleigh School of Gymnastics N 12A9.175 68.975 118.050 129.125 835.325 9
97SNUGGS, KESLEEKnightdale Gymnastics N 12B9.000 98.625 108.225 119.450 135.300 7
98OHADUGHA, SANDRAOmega Gymnastics N 12A9.425 39.150 87.550 139.150 735.275 10
98EARLEY, IVAArtistic Gymnastics School Inc. N 13 -138.350 69.200 39.225 18.500 335.275 2
100CAMILLERI, CHRISTINAKPAC N 11A8.325 128.900 119.200 48.825 835.250 11
100MOORE, SHANNANApex Gymnastics N 11B8.800 108.900 88.700 118.850 835.250 10
102MORRIS, BRIANNANorth Raleigh Gymnastics N 9B8.100 129.225 49.050 38.850 735.225 6
102WILLARD, MADISONLee County Gymnastics N 108.750 139.075 149.000 78.400 1935.225 13
104GOTOWALA, JENNAKnightdale Gymnastics N 11C9.050 78.700 118.175 129.275 135.200 8
105BARBOUR, KAYLAAngier Gymnastics Plus N 108.425 169.200 118.725 98.825 1335.175 14
106DELOACH, LAURENHahn's Gymnastics LLC N 14 -149.150 38.700 48.775 48.425 635.050 5
106THACKER, HOLLYLee County Gymnastics N 9A9.025 68.750 128.775 128.500 1335.050 12
106DAVIS, CAILYNMorgan's Gymnastics Academy N 11B8.900 88.775 108.750 108.625 1035.050 11
109DEESE, BRITTANYLumberton Gymnastics Academy Inc. N 12B9.050 88.225 128.575 89.175 435.025 8
110GANGEWERE, KENZIEKnightdale Gymnastics N 11C8.200 118.825 108.950 68.975 934.950 9
111MAKEY, ASHTONMorgan's Gymnastics Academy N 11C9.375 19.000 97.475 139.075 434.925 10
111KENWORTHY, NICOLEMorgan's Gymnastics Academy N 12A8.575 118.500 139.075 68.775 1034.925 11
111McCARTNEY, ALEXANDRANorth Raleigh Gymnastics N 12A8.925 98.700 128.925 78.375 1334.925 11
114MILLER, MAYAThe Gym Company LLC N 13 -138.000 79.600 18.450 38.850 234.900 3
114BROOKS, ALEXISRose's Gymnastics Training Center N 11C8.450 99.250 58.200 119.000 734.900 11
114KREIDER, ASHLEYNorth Raleigh Gymnastics N 9B8.725 78.600 118.625 78.950 534.900 7
117ALLISON, NATALIEAdvantage Gymnastics N 89.000 87.750 189.150 98.975 1234.875 14
118BURNS, PARKERGymcarolina Gymnastics Academy N 11B9.000 78.200 129.050 78.600 1134.850 12
118CAPITO, MARIAAdvantage Gymnastics N 88.400 158.925 129.000 128.525 1634.850 15
120LANE, ALEXMorgan's Gymnastics Academy N 11A8.700 88.975 108.275 118.875 734.825 12
121PETTERSON, JOANNAApex Gymnastics N 88.000 188.475 159.000 129.325 434.800 16
122GIARDINA, SAMANTHALee County Gymnastics N 12B8.200 129.125 78.850 58.600 1034.775 9
123RAYNOR, MADALYNNStanly County Gymnastics N 9B9.000 49.125 77.800 118.825 834.750 8
124McDONALD, MEGANHahn's Gymnastics LLC N 13 -139.250 28.800 48.250 68.400 534.700 4
125KARRAS, ELENITumblegym N 9B8.650 88.275 128.600 89.150 334.675 9
126FINGERS, MADISONRaleigh School of Gymnastics N 108.425 169.150 138.575 148.475 1734.625 15
126KOZAK, CAITLINApex Gymnastics N 88.375 168.750 148.675 158.825 1334.625 17
128BINGHAM, EMMATumblegym N 108.400 188.900 158.550 158.700 1534.550 16
129CYPCAR, MEGANHahn's Gymnastics LLC N 12B9.000 98.750 98.500 98.275 1234.525 10
129ZHAO, ANNARaleigh School of Gymnastics N 108.450 158.800 178.675 128.600 1634.525 17
131KIEITSCH, CARRIEGymcarolina Gymnastics Academy N 11C8.000 139.150 78.925 78.425 1334.500 12
132MORRIS, FAITHAdvantage Gymnastics N 88.700 148.850 138.275 188.600 1534.425 18
133BERKLEY, EMMAGymcarolina Gymnastics Academy N 12B9.125 69.350 56.975 138.925 834.375 11
133BLABON, JACQUELINEAdvantage Gymnastics N 9B8.275 118.725 108.250 99.125 434.375 10
135LEDBETTER, HOPENorth Raleigh Gymnastics N 14 -148.900 58.575 58.600 68.175 734.250 6
136SPENCE, MORGANNorth Raleigh Gymnastics N 9B8.775 68.950 87.750 128.700 1034.175 11
137MARTINEZ, NATALIEApex Gymnastics N 9A8.350 138.675 138.350 138.650 1234.025 13
138WOLF, OLIVIANorth Raleigh Gymnastics N 13 -138.900 38.650 58.100 78.300 633.950 5
139HOLLAND, DANIELLEApex Gymnastics N 108.500 148.675 188.025 208.725 1433.925 18
140STEVENS, MARIAGymcarolina Gymnastics Academy N 7 - 77.800 88.575 69.125 48.400 633.900 6
140MILLER, CASSIEImpact Athletics N 158.200 78.650 48.375 68.675 433.900 5
142SMITH, ALISSAThe Gym Company LLC N 12A8.450 129.425 37.525 148.450 1233.850 13
143HARVEY, ASHLEYThe Gym Company LLC N 108.225 198.675 188.525 168.350 2033.775 19
144BRYAN, BESSAdvantage Gymnastics N 7 - 78.850 47.975 78.850 68.000 833.675 7
145SYMONDS, MEGHANImpact Athletics N 11C8.200 117.450 139.050 38.825 1133.525 13
146SOUZA, ASHLEYArtistic Gymnastics School Inc. N 13 -138.550 58.175 68.300 58.450 433.475 6
147PRINSLOO, JESSICAGymcarolina Gymnastics Academy N 158.350 67.600 79.225 18.250 633.425 6
148RHODES, EMERSONApex Gymnastics N 9B8.350 108.875 97.500 138.600 1133.325 12
149GRACE WHITE, ANNAHahn's Gymnastics LLC N 12B8.000 138.925 88.225 118.150 1333.300 12
150BYRD, DESMONDApex Gymnastics N 12B8.700 117.800 138.300 108.475 1133.275 13
151SLUSS, TAYLORLumberton Gymnastics Academy Inc. N 13 -138.750 48.100 78.325 48.000 733.175 7
152TAULBEE, KRISTENHahn's Gymnastics LLC N 159.050 38.800 37.850 77.350 733.050 7
153BROCK, KATHLEENOmega Gymnastics N 108.175 208.300 207.525 219.000 933.000 20
154ROBINSON, KAYLEIGHTumblegym N 12A7.850 148.250 148.600 108.200 1432.900 14
155KIRKPATRICK, CHLOEAdvantage Gymnastics N 7 - 78.000 77.550 88.250 78.150 731.950 8
156KEYSER, ASHLEYNorth Raleigh Gymnastics N 107.700 217.500 218.450 178.150 2131.800 21
157PETTERSON, WENDYApex Gymnastics N 9B7.600 137.700 137.825 108.100 1331.225 13
158PRINSLOO, YOLANDIGymcarolina Gymnastics Academy N 14 -140.000 8.225 78.400 78.925 325.550 7