Atlanta's Paws for a Cause Invitational 2017 -
Atlanta's Paws for a Cause Invitational 2017
Start End Host Meet Website Gymnasts
2017-02-102017-02-12 Ultimate Gym SportsClick here1564
Meet Scores Level: XB
Team Scores  Show Personal Bests    All Scores  Level:   1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10,  XB,  XS,  XG,  XP,  XD
Name Team Session Level DivisionVaultBarsBeamFloorAA

Spencer, RachaelEast Tennessee Cheer and Gymnastics 5A XB Sr B9.475 2T9.650 19.550 19.450 138.125 1
Cardosos, RoselynTift Gymnastics Academy 6A XB Senior9.450 3T9.750 19.400 19.100 537.700 1
Salley, AnnieNorthwind Gymnastics Center Inc. 5A XB Sr A9.450 19.500 49.300 39.425 237.675 1
Satterfield, KyndalEast Tennessee Cheer and Gymnastics 5A XB Sr A9.250 29.425 5T9.475 19.300 337.450 2
Robinson, DanielleHahn's Gymnastics LLC 1A XB Sr B9.000 19.500 29.550 19.275 337.325 1
Burnett, KailieGreenwood YMCA 5A XB Sr A9.200 3*9.550 1*9.400 29.100 537.250 3T
Delp, LillianaNorthwind Gymnastics Center Inc. 5A XB Sr A9.200 3*9.550 1*9.000 6T9.500 137.250 3T
Miller, AnnaEast Tennessee Cheer and Gymnastics 5A XB Sr B9.225 89.475 49.300 39.250 237.250 2
Kizer, DaisyEast Tennessee Cheer and Gymnastics 5A XB Jr B9.375 28.650 169.575 19.600 137.200 1
Brandenburg, HaileyOlympia Gymnastics 5A XB Sr B9.500 19.400 59.400 28.875 737.175 3
Marshall, MeganTift Gymnastics Academy 6A XB Junior9.200 79.475 1T9.175 2T9.275 237.125 1
White, ReaganNorthwind Gymnastics Center Inc. 5A XB Jr A9.400 19.600 29.125 18.950 2T37.075 1
Barnwell, PressleyOlympia Gymnastics 5A XB Jr B9.275 49.425 49.250 29.075 437.025 2
Parson, LolaTift Gymnastics Academy 6A XB Junior9.375 59.300 69.050 4T9.300 137.025 2
Adams, KayleeHahn's Gymnastics LLC 1A XB Jr A8.950 19.500 19.150 2T9.400 1T37.000 1
DeLaPaz, ZuleykaTift Gymnastics Academy 6A XB Junior9.500 29.225 7T9.375 18.900 5T37.000 3
Stock, AmandaEast Tennessee Cheer and Gymnastics 5A XB Sr B9.375 59.575 29.000 8T9.000 4T36.950 4
* Gray, WillowNorthwind Gymnastics Center Inc. 6A XB Senior9.450 3T9.475 2T9.025 4T9.000 736.950 2
Castle, NaomiEast Tennessee Cheer and Gymnastics 5A XB Sr B9.275 79.250 79.250 49.125 336.900 5
Gershman, AvaDecatur De Kalb YMCA 6A XB Senior9.200 119.475 2T9.000 6T9.150 436.825 3
* Jones, AshlynNorthwind Gymnastics Center Inc. 6A XB Junior9.450 3T9.475 1T9.025 68.825 936.775 4
Morris, LilyanaExcel Gymnastics 6A XB Senior9.425 69.300 7T9.025 4T9.025 636.775 4
Carlson, AllyNorthwind Gymnastics Center Inc. 5A XB Jr B9.225 59.325 5T9.075 39.150 336.775 3
Castillo, MiaGreenwood YMCA 5A XB Sr B9.450 49.550 39.100 68.650 10T36.750 6
* Clark, NaomiNorthwind Gymnastics Center Inc. 6A XB Senior9.575 19.475 2T8.825 98.850 11T36.725 5
Register, KhelseaTift Gymnastics Academy 6A XB Junior9.100 99.200 99.175 2T9.250 336.725 5
Gleaton, AnistynBrussells 5A XB Jr B9.475 19.625 28.900 78.675 8T36.675 4
Grace Hawkins, LilyCanton Gymnastics Academy Inc. 5A XB Jr A8.975 69.625 19.075 28.950 2T36.625 2
Csuka, KyraNorthwind Gymnastics Center Inc. 5A XB Jr B8.775 139.700 18.875 89.250 236.600 5
Layland, CharleeGreenwood YMCA 5A XB Sr A8.900 119.275 119.125 49.250 436.550 5
Petroski, AlinaGreenwood YMCA 5A XB Sr B8.975 99.350 69.175 59.000 4T36.500 7
Lane, KaelynnEast Tennessee Cheer and Gymnastics 5A XB Jr A9.100 4T9.350 38.925 59.100 136.475 3
Doricent, GabrielleExcel Gymnastics 6A XB Senior9.450 3T9.350 68.725 108.900 9T36.425 6T
Johnson, CharleeTift Gymnastics Academy 6A XB Senior8.925 139.300 7T9.350 28.850 11T36.425 6T
Radchishin, AngelinaHahn's Gymnastics LLC 1A XB Sr B8.650 3T9.775 18.800 79.175 536.400 2
* Sudduth, JadaNorthwind Gymnastics Center Inc. 6A XB Junior9.450 3T9.325 4T8.525 109.100 436.400 6
Zeric, EnaExcel Gymnastics 6A XB Senior9.225 109.275 9T9.000 6T8.900 9T36.400 8
Betts, SarahTift Gymnastics Academy 6A XB Senior9.100 129.450 58.350 129.450 136.350 9
Gaddy, KenliOlympia Gymnastics 5A XB Sr A8.850 139.525 38.950 89.000 636.325 6
Claire * Hill, LilyNorthwind Gymnastics Center Inc. 6A XB Senior9.300 89.225 118.950 88.850 11T36.325 10
Gamez, BriannaUltimate Gymnastics 1A XB Sr B8.900 29.300 49.225 38.875 936.300 3
Jones, MaddisonGreenwood YMCA 5A XB Sr A9.125 69.400 7T8.900 108.850 836.275 7
Contestabile, AddisionJump Start Gym 5A XB Jr A9.100 4T9.275 69.000 38.850 736.225 4
* Kralis, PaytonNorthwind Gymnastics Center Inc. 6A XB Junior9.600 19.325 4T8.775 8T8.500 1036.200 7
Hutchins, CarolineCanton Gymnastics Academy Inc. 5A XB Sr B9.475 2T8.850 139.075 78.775 836.175 8
Waller, AbigailCanton Gymnastics Academy Inc. 5A XB Jr B9.300 39.475 39.000 5T8.350 1336.125 6T
Stone, KymberTift Gymnastics Academy 6A XB Child8.850 39.450 19.225 18.600 436.125 1
Delgado, DanielaDecatur De Kalb YMCA 6A XB Junior8.825 109.350 39.050 4T8.900 5T36.125 8
Head, ErinNorthwind Gymnastics Center Inc. 5A XB Jr B9.025 89.250 78.850 99.000 636.125 6T
Murray, SueParamount 6A XB Junior9.250 69.225 7T8.775 8T8.850 836.100 9
Garnett, TrinitiZero Gravity Gymnastics 1A XB Sr B8.550 6T9.150 69.175 49.225 436.100 4
* Wheeler, AlexaNorthwind Gymnastics Center Inc. 6A XB Senior9.525 29.275 9T8.575 118.700 1436.075 11
Jeffress, MorganNorthwind Gymnastics Center Inc. 5A XB Jr A9.325 39.225 78.725 98.750 836.025 5
Jeffreys, AveryNorthwind Gymnastics Center Inc. 5A XB Sr A9.025 99.200 129.000 6T8.800 9T36.025 8
Merritt, RowenDecatur De Kalb YMCA 6A XB Junior9.125 89.150 108.850 78.900 5T36.025 10
Harris, EmeryJump Start Gym 5A XB Jr A9.375 29.300 4T8.825 68.500 1136.000 6
Crow, BrooklynnTift Gymnastics Academy 6A XB Child8.700 59.350 2T8.950 48.975 135.975 2
Waldrop, HayleighGreenwood YMCA 5A XB Sr B9.300 68.725 159.000 8T8.925 635.950 9
Gayhart, AngelinaParamount 6A XB Senior9.325 79.100 138.150 149.350 235.925 12
Slocum, EmeryNorthwind Gymnastics Center Inc. 5A XB Jr B8.500 159.325 5T9.050 49.050 535.925 8
Gayhart, GiannaParamount 6A XB Child9.125 18.825 79.075 28.900 2T35.925 3
Haney, EmilyExcel Gymnastics 1A XB Sr B8.550 6T8.800 108.925 69.600 135.875 5T
Sonigra, InikaHahn's Gymnastics LLC 1A XB Sr B8.100 119.350 39.100 59.325 235.875 5T
McKay, MackenzieCanton Gymnastics Academy Inc. 5A XB Sr A9.150 58.900 159.100 58.725 1135.875 9
Graham, AudreyGreenwood YMCA 5A XB Sr A9.000 109.425 5T8.625 138.800 9T35.850 10
Mertes, ErinUltimate Gymnastics 1A XB Sr A8.100 7T9.250 2*9.350 19.150 135.850 1T
Jackson, MillyCarrollton Flexettes 1A XB Jr A8.600 4T9.150 38.850 49.250 335.850 2
Kiss, NoemiExcel Gymnastics 1A XB Sr A9.200 19.250 2*9.175 28.225 1035.850 1T
Radchishin, VictoriaHahn's Gymnastics LLC 1A XB Jr B8.200 6T9.500 19.025 19.100 1T35.825 1
Welch, MadisionExcel Gymnastics 6A XB Senior9.250 99.050 148.200 139.325 335.825 13
Whitman, EveHahn's Gymnastics LLC 1A XB Sr B8.625 58.950 89.250 28.950 7T35.775 7
Clements, LaceyCarrollton Flexettes 1A XB Jr B8.850 29.100 38.900 28.925 435.775 2
Gongora-Giron, EmilyUltimate Gymnastics 1A XB Sr A8.700 39.400 18.875 38.750 535.725 3
Crain, KatherineNorthwind Gymnastics Center Inc. 5A XB Sr A9.075 79.375 98.300 168.900 735.650 11
Von Krause, JennaDecatur De Kalb YMCA 6A XB Child8.550 6T9.350 2T8.825 58.900 2T35.625 4
Voisin, SophiaNorthwind Gymnastics Center Inc. 5A XB Sr A8.750 159.400 7T8.925 98.500 1335.575 12
Webb, EmorySumter County 1A XB Jr A8.450 79.100 49.250 18.775 8T35.575 3
Cabrices, IsabellaDecatur De Kalb YMCA 6A XB Senior8.300 149.175 129.075 38.975 835.525 14
Kiss, TimeaExcel Gymnastics 1A XB Jr B9.000 18.600 88.725 39.100 1T35.425 3
Horne, AnaleeEast Tennessee Cheer and Gymnastics 5A XB Jr A8.850 9T8.750 108.950 48.875 635.425 7
Robbins, EllasonBrussells 5A XB Jr A8.900 89.000 88.600 108.900 4T35.400 8
Hill, MakiyahZero Gravity Gymnastics 1A XB Sr A8.475 49.050 58.750 49.050 335.325 4
Ellis, KinsleyCanton Gymnastics Academy Inc. 5A XB Jr A8.575 129.300 4T8.800 7T8.600 935.275 9
Naefe, DelilahCanton Gymnastics Academy Inc. 5A XB Sr A9.050 88.825 168.775 118.600 1235.250 13
Weinstein, ReeseJump Start Gym 5A XB Jr B8.525 148.775 159.000 5T8.925 735.225 9
Copeland, AlaynaGreenwood YMCA 5A XB Sr A8.875 129.350 108.525 158.450 1435.200 14
Hamilton, GracenJames J. Harris YMCA 1A XB Jr A8.850 28.400 119.150 2T8.750 1035.150 4
Eke, ObiExcel Gymnastics 1A XB Sr B8.650 3T8.850 98.700 108.950 7T35.150 8
King, McKennaNorthwind Gymnastics Center Inc. 5A XB Jr B8.875 99.100 98.450 128.675 8T35.100 10
Sellars, AmaniJames J. Harris YMCA 1A XB Jr A8.575 69.050 5T8.575 7T8.900 635.100 5
Hofrichter, EmilyNorthwind Gymnastics Center Inc. 5A XB Jr A8.925 78.800 98.800 7T8.575 1035.100 10
Ivey, CaylieCarrollton Flexettes 1A XB Jr A8.200 119.000 7T8.400 119.400 1T35.000 6
Stone, ChloeCarrollton Flexettes 1A XB Jr B8.350 48.900 58.675 49.075 335.000 4
Rintoul, BrennaBrussells 5A XB Jr B8.800 11T8.900 138.750 108.550 1135.000 11
Young, IsabellaGreenwood YMCA 5A XB Sr B8.675 118.775 148.750 128.650 10T34.850 10
Koluder-Ramirez, AnaDecatur De Kalb YMCA 6A XB Child8.525 89.200 59.050 38.050 834.825 5
Mitchell, AshlynCarrollton Flexettes 1A XB Jr A8.650 38.550 108.675 68.950 534.825 7
Naefe, SedonaCanton Gymnastics Academy Inc. 5A XB Sr B8.850 109.125 118.350 148.475 1234.800 11
Anton, EmilyNorthwind Gymnastics Center Inc. 5A XB Jr B8.800 11T8.950 128.650 118.400 1234.800 12
Sylvester, AmandaCanton Gymnastics Academy Inc. 5A XB Sr B8.625 12T8.950 128.900 108.300 1434.775 12
Koster, YasmineUltimate Gymnastics 1A XB Sr B8.400 89.225 58.775 88.350 1234.750 9
Davidson, TaylorHahn's Gymnastics LLC 1A XB Jr A8.250 9T9.250 28.050 139.175 434.725 8
Orlando, EmmaOlympia Gymnastics 5A XB Sr B8.375 149.150 108.450 138.750 934.725 13
Holladay, SavannahGreenwood YMCA 5A XB Jr A8.800 118.725 118.300 118.900 4T34.725 11
Whitby, ElliottJames J. Harris YMCA 1A XB Jr A8.250 9T9.000 7T8.575 7T8.800 734.625 9
Ball, ChiaraOlympia Gymnastics 5A XB Jr B8.400 169.125 88.425 138.600 1034.550 13
Trayford, SaraHahn's Gymnastics LLC 1A XB Sr B8.300 99.050 78.400 118.775 1034.525 10
Johnson, LondonZero Gravity Gymnastics 1A XB Jr B8.150 88.950 48.650 58.775 834.525 5
Elzey, MadalynNorthwind Gymnastics Center Inc. 5A XB Sr A8.775 149.175 138.550 148.000 1634.500 15
Cole, LondonGreenwood YMCA 5A XB Jr B9.050 79.000 118.150 148.300 1434.500 14
Haynes, MorganCanton Gymnastics Academy Inc. 5A XB Sr A8.325 169.050 148.700 128.350 1534.425 16
Stone, JadenSumter County 1A XB Jr A8.400 89.050 5T8.350 128.600 1234.400 10
Thomas, AmberGreenwood YMCA 5A XB Sr B8.225 159.200 8T8.800 118.150 1534.375 14
Taylor, EmmySumter County 1A XB Jr A8.050 12T8.900 98.550 98.775 8T34.275 11
Sellars, MaddieSumter County 1A XB Sr B8.250 108.650 118.200 129.150 634.250 11
Gombau, SofiaHahn's Gymnastics LLC 1A XB Jr B8.000 109.350 28.525 78.350 1134.225 6
DeLoach, MarySumter County 1A XB Sr A9.000 27.550 98.600 69.075 234.225 5
Mitra, PriyankaUltimate Gymnastics 1A XB Sr A8.000 99.150 48.550 78.425 8T34.125 6
Davis, LeahExcel Gymnastics 6A XB Child8.550 6T8.775 88.300 68.450 534.075 6
Vincent, LexiCarrollton Flexettes 1A XB Sr A8.350 58.500 88.650 58.550 734.050 7
Suddeth, ClaireCarrollton Flexettes 1A XB Jr B8.300 58.300 108.375 88.900 5T33.875 7
Blackburn, SophieUltimate Gymnastics 1A XB Sr A8.300 68.900 67.950 108.700 633.850 8
Smith, HannahExcel Gymnastics 6A XB Junior8.450 128.800 138.300 128.300 1133.850 11
Daugherty, JohannaExcel Gymnastics 6A XB Child8.725 48.700 108.175 78.250 733.850 7
Cobb, ChristinaExcel Gymnastics 6A XB Junior8.150 139.075 118.400 118.200 1233.825 12
Restal-Harrison, JennaExcel Gymnastics 1A XB Jr B8.050 98.800 68.600 68.375 1033.825 8
Driver, CampbellGreenwood YMCA 5A XB Jr B8.825 108.875 147.850 158.200 1533.750 15
Kinnebrew, AmeliaSumter County 1A XB Jr B8.200 6T8.650 77.950 108.900 5T33.700 9
Mitchell, EmmaCarrollton Flexettes 1A XB Jr A8.050 12T8.200 128.800 58.650 1133.700 12
Lamas, JulianaJump Start Gym 5A XB Jr A8.850 9T8.350 138.250 128.150 1233.600 12
Bailey, IsabellaExcel Gymnastics 6A XB Child8.950 28.950 67.725 87.950 933.575 8
McAlister, AvaOlympia Gymnastics 5A XB Sr B8.625 12T9.200 8T7.375 158.350 1333.550 15
Cutlip, KadenceCanton Gymnastics Academy Inc. 5A XB Jr B9.175 69.025 107.250 168.100 1633.550 16
Michelle Smith, TaiExcel Gymnastics 1A XB Jr B8.500 38.150 117.900 118.825 733.375 10
Jones, SophiaExcel Gymnastics 6A XB Junior8.775 118.925 128.000 137.600 1333.300 13
Norton, RylanUltimate Gymnastics 1A XB Sr A7.650 108.650 78.275 98.425 8T33.000 9
Ubaka-blackmoore, EkuaZero Gravity Gymnastics 1A XB Jr A8.600 4T7.500 138.500 108.100 1432.700 13
Holland, JayelaCarrollton Flexettes 1A XB Jr B7.200 118.350 98.250 98.700 932.500 11
Geary, KarlynnExcel Gymnastics 6A XB Child8.450 98.750 97.400 97.800 1032.400 9
Grambow, RubyBrussells 5A XB Jr A7.700 138.400 127.400 138.050 1331.550 13
Stuckey, KatelynnSumter County 1A XB Jr A7.600 147.200 147.650 148.350 1330.800 14
Yancy, LaineyExcel Gymnastics 1A XB Sr B6.850 126.400 128.750 98.525 1130.525 12
Yazzie, CaralynOlympia Gymnastics 5A XB Jr A6.900 148.300 146.975 147.900 1430.075 14
Brown, HannahExcel Gymnastics 6A XB Child8.100 109.300 44.000 108.300 629.700 10
Finch, IndiaZero Gravity Gymnastics 1A XB Sr A8.100 7T0.000 108.450 88.875 425.425 10