Tim Rand Invite -
Tim Rand Invite
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2023-03-032023-03-05 UnknownClick here1342
Meet Scores Level: 10
Team Scores  Show Personal Bests    All Scores  Level:   1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10,  XB,  XS,  XG,  XP,  XD,  XSA
Name Team Session Level DivisionVaultBarsBeamFloorAA

Bobek, LaylaUniversal Gymnasts Inc. P07 10 P7_L10_g29.600 3T9.600 19.300 29.350 2T37.850 1
Witte, MyaGenie's Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g49.500 49.075 59.525 39.500 337.600 1
Harper, KatieUniversal Gymnasts Inc. P07 10 P7_L10_g49.200 69.700 19.075 49.425 437.400 2
Olshefski, JennaUniversal Gymnasts Inc. P07 10 P7_L10_g49.825 18.200 99.600 29.675 137.300 3
Reutzel, KarleighUniversal Gymnasts Inc. P07 10 P7_L10_g29.650 1T9.375 38.500 59.775 137.300 2
Wellmeier, AvaUniversal Gymnasts Inc. P07 10 P7_L10_g39.800 29.300 48.425 89.575 237.100 4
DeFrees, EmilyAJS Pancott Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g29.400 29.475 28.600 4T9.550 137.025 1
Davis, ErinAmerican Twisters Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g19.225 59.050 39.300 19.300 336.875 1
Brinn, AvalieAmerican Twisters Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g19.350 49.800 18.950 38.725 636.825 2T
Mackalo, AminaGym America P07 10 P7_L10_g19.775 19.300 28.650 49.100 436.825 2T
Wurtz, TaylorAmerican Twisters Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g39.650 1T8.850 49.050 39.225 5T36.775 3
Jones, PaytonSilver Stars Bowie P07 10 P7_L10_g19.400 2T8.975 48.575 59.625 236.575 4
Herrera, KaylaAmerican Twisters Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g29.050 79.575 18.600 4T9.350 336.575 2
Foster, CamrynSilver Stars Bowie P07 10 P7_L10_g19.400 2T8.650 58.550 69.850 136.450 5
Megill, AddisonAJS Pancott Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g19.625 18.575 68.400 79.400 236.000 3
McGuinn, TatumAJS Pancott Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g39.025 88.525 59.000 49.350 2T35.900 4
Bosque, GenesisAmerican Twisters Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g29.275 39.450 38.650 38.200 1035.575 4
Gao, MelissaAJS Pancott Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g39.200 68.075 98.475 69.350 2T35.100 5
Kerrigan, ElyseKMC Dance and Gymnastics Center P07 10 P7_L10_g19.100 68.200 78.975 18.625 934.900 5
Wolff, SammieAJS Pancott Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g39.600 3T7.650 108.200 89.225 5T34.675 6
Pizzi, AvaAJS Pancott Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g19.150 58.800 47.875 88.800 734.625 6
Walker, EllaAJS Pancott Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g18.350 97.725 89.150 29.050 534.275 6
Vanderau, ClaireAJS Pancott Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g39.000 118.050 108.350 98.725 1234.125 5
Bonomo, DaniellaAmerican Twisters Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g49.075 108.600 87.425 168.800 1133.900 6
Louden, AmiyaGym America P07 10 P7_L10_g28.750 98.400 68.400 78.050 833.600 7
Chevaire, LisaA2 Gym and Cheer, LLC P07 10 P7_L10_g39.150 87.100 137.950 149.075 6T33.275 7
Horton, SylviaA2 Gym and Cheer, LLC P07 10 P7_L10_g28.800 97.750 107.550 99.075 433.175 7
VanHorn, NadiaAJS Pancott Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g39.300 57.300 127.475 159.050 8T33.125 8
Flaherty, CamrynFrederick Gymnastics Club P07 10 P7_L10_g39.175 77.400 117.500 108.975 733.050 8
Worden, FaithFrederick Gymnastics Club P07 10 P7_L10_g47.600 147.950 118.450 79.050 8T33.050 9
Fisher, KaylaAJS Pancott Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g18.850 6T8.250 77.475 98.350 832.925 7
DeSarno, AlianaFrederick Gymnastics Club P07 10 P7_L10_g27.800 117.400 128.775 28.750 832.725 8
Jones, CorinneFrederick Gymnastics Club P07 10 P7_L10_g18.850 6T7.200 97.825 78.450 732.325 8
Kaupp, LucyA2 Gym and Cheer, LLC P07 10 P7_L10_g29.250 47.600 116.150 118.900 631.900 9
Mancini, LoganAJS Pancott Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g39.450 58.375 79.350 10.000 9T27.175 9
Szczesniuk, ChloeAJS Pancott Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g48.850 120.000 14T9.000 69.100 526.950 10
Gerrity, DevlynAJS Pancott Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g48.500 130.000 14T9.025 59.075 6T26.600 11
Jean-Marie, PromiseAmerican Twisters Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g49.175 78.850 78.325 100.000 13T26.350 12
Peruto, AvaAJS Pancott Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g20.000 128.100 88.475 69.050 525.625 10
Sokolowski, KarastynaCNY Gym Centre P07 10 P7_L10_g18.650 88.450 67.550 80.000 924.650 9
Kearney, IreneAmerican Academy of Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g38.300 108.100 88.000 90.000 9T24.400 10
Kirkpatrick, PaisleyBaltimore County Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g28.650 108.750 56.300 100.000 11T23.700 11
Latronica, DanielleGenie's Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g40.000 15T9.450 39.625 10.000 13T19.075 13
Skowronek, EmmaAJS Pancott Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g40.000 15T9.000 68.250 110.000 13T17.250 14
Auth, ReynaBaltimore County Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g49.100 90.000 14T7.975 130.000 13T17.075 15
Mahaney, EmmaGym America P07 10 P7_L10_g30.000 15T0.000 14T8.175 128.850 1017.025 16
Sabry, LilyBaltimore County Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g28.850 87.950 90.000 120.000 11T16.800 12
Kaminski, PaigeGym America P07 10 P7_L10_g49.625 30.000 14T0.000 17T0.000 13T9.625 17
Herrera, EmilyAmerican Twisters Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g30.000 119.575 20.000 110.000 9T9.575 11
Pujals, NicoleAmerican Twisters Gymnastics P07 10 P7_L10_g40.000 15T9.550 20.000 17T0.000 13T9.550 18
Pederson, LilyFlips Gymnastics LLC P08 10 P8_L10_g210.000 110.000 19.900 19.875 139.775 1
Zirbes, EllaFlips Gymnastics LLC P08 10 P8_L10_g39.725 1T10.000 19.575 1T9.825 139.125 1
Snyder, HollyDocksiders Gymnastics Inc. P08 10 P8_L10_g49.725 19.775 29.700 19.875 139.075 1
Lyden, JordynFlips Gymnastics LLC P08 10 P8_L10_g49.650 39.850 49.425 49.625 438.550 2T
Muller, MareliFrederick Gymnastics Club P08 10 P8_L10_g39.725 1T9.600 69.450 39.775 238.550 2T
Brown, KennedyDocksiders Gymnastics Inc. P08 10 P8_L10_g29.700 29.700 29.400 39.575 2T38.375 2
Johnson, KyrstinDocksiders Gymnastics Inc. P08 10 P8_L10_g49.625 49.700 59.250 69.750 338.325 4
Rengifo, NicoleAmerican Twisters Gymnastics P08 10 P8_L10_g29.850 1T9.350 69.325 59.725 238.250 1
McElligott, KaleaInfiniti P08 10 P8_L10_g39.425 69.550 49.500 29.450 637.925 3
Morgan, KendallAmerican Twisters Gymnastics P08 10 P8_L10_g19.350 99.625 29.250 69.500 6T37.725 2
Booker, JaylaAmerican Twisters Gymnastics P08 10 P8_L10_g19.725 39.475 58.675 129.700 3T37.575 3
Ritchey, CharlotteDocksiders Gymnastics Inc. P08 10 P8_L10_g19.475 59.000 89.350 3T9.700 3T37.525 4
Yee, KaelaLeyva Gymnastics Academy P08 10 P8_L10_g19.250 119.775 19.175 89.175 11T37.375 5
Goodstadt, SkylarInfiniti P08 10 P8_L10_g29.575 49.600 38.625 69.575 2T37.375 4
Engelmayer, RaynaFlips Gymnastics LLC P08 10 P8_L10_g39.600 39.200 59.050 59.500 537.350 5
Weisser, GraceFlips Gymnastics LLC P08 10 P8_L10_g19.600 48.725 119.500 19.500 6T37.325 6
Timmer, KhloeLeyva Gymnastics Academy P08 10 P8_L10_g19.300 109.300 78.850 99.625 537.075 7
Brueck, MariellaAmerican Twisters Gymnastics P08 10 P8_L10_g29.400 7T9.500 3T8.775 109.300 1036.975 8
Montevago, LolaInfiniti P08 10 P8_L10_g29.450 69.500 3T8.450 13T9.450 836.850 9
Thompson, MeganDocksiders Gymnastics Inc. P08 10 P8_L10_g29.500 58.475 89.350 49.350 736.675 6
Mills, PatriciaFrederick Gymnastics Club P08 10 P8_L10_g29.850 1T8.800 98.100 169.825 136.575 10
Strasser, SuttonInfiniti P08 10 P8_L10_g18.950 158.650 129.350 3T9.175 11T36.125 11
Gruber, MaraFlips Gymnastics LLC P08 10 P8_L10_g19.225 128.750 108.700 119.425 936.100 12
Platkin, TiaraAmerican Twisters Gymnastics P08 10 P8_L10_g29.200 79.075 67.925 89.525 435.725 7
Rodriguez, AngielinaTumblebees Gymnastics and Dance P08 10 P8_L10_g19.150 138.500 149.200 78.525 1435.375 13
Arana, AlyssaLeyva Gymnastics Academy P08 10 P8_L10_g36.000 79.900 39.575 1T9.525 535.000 5
Haehl, MaddisonDocksiders Gymnastics Inc. P08 10 P8_L10_g49.000 28.700 59.150 37.950 234.800 2
Canda, IsabellaInfiniti P08 10 P8_L10_g29.100 88.625 78.275 78.800 934.800 8
Lee, ScarlettInfiniti P08 10 P8_L10_g29.050 148.550 138.450 13T8.350 1634.400 14
Triana, MiaTumblebees Gymnastics and Dance P08 10 P8_L10_g18.800 168.300 158.125 158.475 1533.700 15
Pound, MaliyahJam Hops Gymnastics P08 10 P8_L10_g39.025 97.000 97.450 99.100 832.575 9
Izzo, BrookInfiniti P08 10 P8_L10_g39.325 50.000 7T9.375 59.250 627.950 6
Kifer, MicaelaFrederick Gymnastics Club P08 10 P8_L10_g29.400 7T0.000 169.400 29.000 1327.800 16
Schabes, AshleyU.S. Gymnastics Training Center P08 10 P8_L10_g49.150 60.000 7T9.050 78.750 726.950 7
Coleman, LaurenDocksiders Gymnastics Inc. P08 10 P8_L10_g48.950 38.800 48.000 60.000 3T25.750 3
Zabrowski, HaylenAmerican Twisters Gymnastics P08 10 P8_L10_g40.000 4T9.800 19.275 20.000 3T19.075 4
Seaga, ChloeAmerican Twisters Gymnastics P08 10 P8_L10_g40.000 4T9.400 38.700 40.000 3T18.100 5
Welch, HaleighFrederick Gymnastics Club P08 10 P8_L10_g40.000 4T7.000 67.500 70.000 3T14.500 6
Peterson, MollyFlips Gymnastics LLC P08 10 P8_L10_g30.000 8T9.950 20.000 90.000 8T9.950 8
Roskoski, SophiaFlips Gymnastics LLC P08 10 P8_L10_g40.000 4T0.000 78.325 50.000 3T8.325 7
Clifford, MirandaInfiniti P08 10 P8_L10_g30.000 8T0.000 7T8.275 80.000 8T8.275 9