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Maya Kutsch, Docksiders Gymnastics Inc. -
Maya Kutsch
Docksiders Gymnastics Inc.
Personal Bests
Level Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
3 9.350 9.150 9.500 9.450 37.100
4 9.500 9.325 9.250 8.925 36.800
5 9.250 9.250 9.275 9.250 36.825
7 9.225 9.425 9.550 9.325 37.450
8 9.350 9.375 9.300 9.525 37.225
XD 9.675 0.000 9.325 9.425 27.725
Scores on America's Top 100as of 02.09.2025
Year Level Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
2021 XD9.675

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Meet Scores
Date Meet Team Session Level Division Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
2021-05-15 XB/XP/XD Maryland State Meet Docksiders Gymnastics Inc. ALL XD SR A 9.675 1 0.000 17 8.800 5T 9.250 6T 27.725 16
2021-04-24 2021 April Showers Docksiders Gymnastics Inc. 3 XD Sr A 0.000 6T 0.000 7 0.000 6T 8.900 4T 8.900 7
2021-03-05 Virtual Frederick Classic Docksiders Gymnastics Inc. 4 XD SR A 9.000 4 0.000 6T 8.350 6 9.425 3 26.775 6
2021-02-20 Docksiders Pink Meet Docksiders Gymnastics Inc. 2 XD All 9.250 1 0.000 6T 9.325 1 9.025 2 27.600 6
2021-01-16 Hill's Virtual Classic Docksiders Gymnastics Inc. 123 XD N/A 9.500 6T 0.000 194T 8.925 94T 8.950 94T 27.375 185
2020-12-12 Docksiders Pseudo COTC In-House Meet Docksiders Gymnastics Inc. B1 XD All 9.200 1 0.000 3 8.750 1T 8.600 3 26.550 3
2019-04-05 Region 7 - Level 8 Regional Championships Win-Win Gymnastics 3 8 Senior 7 8.350 19T 0.000 24 8.150 18 9.475 5T 25.975 23
2019-03-23 Level 7 & 8 State Championships Win-Win Gymnastics 4 8 Sr B 9.125 5 9.375 4T 8.925 4 9.125 3T 36.550 4
2019-03-02 42nd NATION'S CAPITAL CUP Win-Win Gymnastics 3 8 Senior B 9.200 2 9.250 1 8.950 1 9.350 1 36.750 1
2019-02-22 Pink Invitational ~ Gymnasts Unite Win-Win Gymnastics FC2 8 15 and ove 9.175 4 9.225 1T 9.300 2 9.525 1 37.225 1
2019-02-15 Excalibur Cup Win-Win Gymnastics 2C 8 Sr A 9.350 1 9.150 1 7.675 7 7.750 8 33.925 5
2019-01-25 Metroplex Challenge Win-Win Gymnastics G06 8 Sr A 9.350 3 9.275 4 8.050 18 9.150 6T 35.825 3
2019-01-18 Hill's MD Classic Win-Win Gymnastics 22 8 Senior 9.000 3T 9.250 5 9.200 1 8.900 13 36.350 4
2018-12-14 Christmas on the Chesapeake 2018 Win-Win Gymnastics H4 8 Sr B 9.350 1 8.350 7T 8.300 5 8.900 5 34.900 5
2018-11-16 Tim Weaver Battlefield Invitational Win-Win Gymnastics 3C 8 15 yrs. 8.450 5 8.950 1 9.150 2 9.050 3 35.600 1
2018-03-17 2018 Maryland Level 8, 9, 10 State Championships Win-Win Gymnastics 1 8 SrB 0.000 17 8.450 12 0.000 17 0.000 9 8.450 17
2018-02-23 Pink Invitational ~ Gymnasts Unite Win-Win Gymnastics UD2 8 14 yrs. 0.000 8T 9.375 1T 0.000 10 0.000 9T 9.375 10
2018-02-16 2018 Magical Classic Win-Win Gymnastics A3 8 Group 4 0.000 14T 6.950 14 0.000 15 0.000 14T 6.950 15
2018-01-12 2018 Hill's Maryland Classic Win-Win Gymnastics 19 8 Lvl 8: Senior A 9.000 3 8.300 4 9.200 1 8.650 10 35.150 3
2017-11-18 37th Annual Black Eyed Susan Invitational Win-Win Gymnastics 8 14 & Up 8.950 3 8.450 4 9.000 3 9.225 2 35.625 2
2017-03-25 2017 Maryland Level 6/7 States Win-Win Gymnastics 7 Sr.A 9.200 6T 9.275 2 9.300 3T 9.325 5 37.100 2
2017-02-24 Pink Invitational - Gymnasts Unite Win-Win Gymnastics SC3 7 13 yrs. 9.225 3T 9.425 1 9.550 1 9.250 5 37.450 1
2017-02-17 East Coast Classic Win-Win Gymnastics 02 7 L7 Sr A 8.750 5T 8.900 5 9.550 1 9.250 3 36.450 2
2017-02-02 Buckeye Classic Win-Win Gymnastics UB2 7 D 0.000 16 8.375 6T 9.200 3T 8.700 14 26.275 15
2017-01-13 2017 Hill's Maryland Classic Win-Win Gymnastics 6 7 Lvl 7: Senior A 9.100 6 8.200 5 9.275 3 9.100 5 35.675 4
2016-12-08 Christmas On The Chesapeake Win-Win Gymnastics A1 7 Sr A 9.000 10T 9.050 5T 9.450 3 9.150 8T 36.650 3
2016-11-05 2016 Maryland Judges Invitational Win-Win Gymnastics 4 7 Jr 13 9.100 42T 8.950 21T 9.325 7T 8.875 38 36.250 19
2016-04-23 2016 Maryland Level 5 and Xcel State Championships Win-Win Gymnastics 4 5 Sr B 9.100 9 9.225 4 9.275 2 9.225 6T 36.825 4
2016-03-04 Harford Trophy Meet 2016 Win-Win Gymnastics 4 5 Level 5 JR B 8.900 8 8.550 7 8.700 4 8.350 9 34.500 6
2016-02-26 Pink Invitational Win-Win Gymnastics SE1 5 12 yrs. 9.250 4 9.250 4 9.075 2 9.250 5T 36.825 2
2016-02-12 East Coast Classic Win-Win Gymnastics 8 5 L5 - Sr B 9.200 4 8.550 3 9.050 2T 8.700 5 35.500 2
2016-01-15 2016 Hills Maryland Classic Win-Win Gymnastics 21 5 Lvl 5: Junior B 8.850 8 8.750 4 9.150 4 8.000 13 34.750 6
2015-02-27 Pink Invitational Win-Win Gymnastics SC1 4 11 yrs. 8.850 10T 9.325 3 9.200 5T 8.925 14 36.300 4
2014-04-12 2014 Maryland Level 3 State Meet Win-Win Gymnastics All 3 Senior D 9.350 3 8.500 16T 9.200 5 9.350 7 36.400 10
2014-03-07 Harford Trophy Meet Win-Win Gymnastics 7 3 SR 9.200 7T 9.100 6 9.150 4T 9.400 2 36.850 2
2014-02-21 Pink Invitational Gymnasts Unite Win-Win Gymnastics SD2 3 10 9.100 7 9.150 5T 9.400 1 9.450 1 37.100 3
2014-01-17 2014 Hills Maryland Classic Win-Win Gymnastics 13 3 Lvl 3: Junior B 9.000 6T 9.050 10 9.050 7 8.850 13T 35.950 7
2013-12-12 Christmas On The Chesapeake Win-Win Gymnastics I2 3 Sr B 9.200 4T 9.100 4T 9.500 1 8.600 8 36.400 1
2013-04-12 2013 Maryland Level 4 State Championships Win-Win Gymnastics 5 4 SR A 9.500 2 9.250 10 9.250 3 8.800 12T 36.800 7
2013-03-15 Harford Trophy Meet Win-Win Gymnastics 5 4 Junior.B 8.950 7T 8.350 10T 8.200 11T 8.875 7 34.375 9
2013-02-22 Pink Invitational - Gymnasts Unite Win-Win Gymnastics 41 4 Ch 9 9.150 4 8.725 9 8.500 17 8.900 10T 35.275 11
2012-12-14 Christmas On The Chesapeake Win-Win Gymnastics F3 4 Sr A 9.375 5 8.725 13 7.575 18T 8.400 15 34.075 16T
2012-11-17 Commonwealth Cup Win-Win Gymnastics 1G 4 Junior A 8.800 9T 7.950 16 6.800 17 7.775 17 31.325 17