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Israel Jagello, Mountain Brook Gymnastics -
Israel Jagello
Mountain Brook Gymnastics
Personal Bests
Level Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
1 9.325 9.000 9.000 9.200 34.850
3 9.100 8.650 8.750 8.175 33.425
XB 8.875 9.050 8.100 8.775 34.800
XG 8.675 9.350 9.500 9.525 36.225
XS 9.400 9.400 9.375 8.950 36.425
Meet Scores
Date Meet Team Session Level Division Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
2024-03-15 Alabama Optional/Xcel State Championships Mountain Brook Gymnastics B4 XG F 8.675 10T 9.025 8 8.875 9 9.125 8 35.700 9
2024-03-08 Sweet Tea Classic 2024 Mountain Brook Gymnastics 09B XG Jr C 8.450 10 8.975 4T 9.500 2 9.300 5 36.225 4
2024-02-16 Mardi Gras Invitational Mountain Brook Gymnastics 3 XG B 7.675 7 8.775 4 8.800 4 9.175 5 34.425 5
2024-02-02 Nashville Nights 2024 Mountain Brook Gymnastics 12G XG SrD 8.500 11 9.350 5 8.600 9 9.525 3T 35.975 9
2024-01-26 Magic City Invitational Mountain Brook Gymnastics 6 XG B 8.200 10 8.475 10 8.700 10 9.500 4T 34.875 10
2023-12-08 AL 2023 Optional Judges Cup Mountain Brook Gymnastics 09 XG C 7.700 10 8.950 7 8.750 8 9.150 7 34.550 10
2023-03-24 Optional & Xcel State Meet 2023 Mountain Brook Gymnastics B5 XS F 9.225 7T 9.400 8T 8.975 11 8.225 12 35.825 12
2023-02-03 Winter Blue Gray Mountain Brook Gymnastics B3 XS C 9.000 18 9.250 14 9.225 15 8.950 15 36.425 15
2023-01-28 Magic City Invitational Mountain Brook Gymnastics 3 XS B 9.400 3 9.150 10 8.925 12 8.850 7 36.325 9
2023-01-20 Crimson Classic 2023 Mountain Brook Gymnastics 4B XS B 8.600 9T 9.150 10 9.150 4T 8.300 10 35.200 11
2022-12-09 AL 2022 Optional Judges Cup Mountain Brook Gymnastics 09 XS A 9.000 6T 8.975 6 9.375 1 8.850 4 36.200 2
2021-12-03 2021 Alabama Compulsory State Championships Mountain Brook Gymnastics B4 3 H 8.900 11T 8.200 12 8.750 10T 6.050 12 31.900 12
2021-11-19 Blue Gray Invitational Mountain Brook Gymnastics B4 3 B 8.800 11 8.650 7 8.525 11T 7.325 12 33.300 11
2021-11-12 Veterans Day Classic Mountain Brook Gymnastics 3 3 B 9.100 6 7.650 5 7.800 7 8.150 7 32.700 7
2021-10-22 Girls just wanna have fun! Mountain Brook Gymnastics 08 3 C 8.800 8T 8.475 6 7.975 7 8.175 11 33.425 8
2021-10-02 BooFest 2021 Mountain Brook Gymnastics 2 3 C 7.700 11 7.875 9 7.475 9T 7.850 10 30.900 11
2021-09-25 2021 Reach for the Starz Mountain Brook Gymnastics 3 3 C 8.250 12 7.925 12 8.050 10T 8.100 11T 32.325 12
2021-08-27 2021 Compulsory Judges Cup Mountain Brook Gymnastics 06 3 C 7.800 7 7.600 8 7.900 7 6.450 9 29.750 7
2020-01-17 Crimson Classic 2020 Noma's School of Gymnastics 2B XB A 8.875 8 9.050 7 8.100 10 8.775 10 34.800 10
2019-12-06 Alabama Compulsory Championships 2019 Noma's School of Gymnastics A02 1 E 9.325 6 9.000 7 8.325 12 7.725 12 34.375 12
2019-11-22 Blue Gray Invitational Noma's School of Gymnastics G2 1 B 8.350 11 8.000 10 9.000 5T 9.200 6T 34.550 10
2019-10-18 Girls just wanna have fun! Noma's School of Gymnastics 03 1 B 8.550 8 8.800 8T 8.600 8 8.725 10 34.675 10
2019-09-28 2019 Reach for the Starz Noma's School of Gymnastics 1 1 B 9.150 5T 8.750 3 8.350 8 8.600 9 34.850 8
2019-09-13 Diamond Invitational Noma's School of Gymnastics 6 1 C 8.400 9 8.450 6T 9.000 4T 8.250 8 34.100 6