Tops Super Challenge 2016 -
Tops Super Challenge 2016
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2016-01-302016-01-31 KIDS Are TOPS Sports Center762
Meet ScoresTeam: Integrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading
Team Scores  Hide Personal Bests   All Scores  Level:   2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10,  X-BRON,  X-GOLD,  X-PLAT,  X-SILV
#Name Team Session Level DivisionVault PBVaultBars PBBarsBeam PBBeamFloor PBFloorAA PBAA

1Peters, LaurenIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 3A 6 3A:6:11A9.3509.350 1T9.3258.900 2T9.6509.300 29.7509.450 137.20037.000 2
1Kellar, LaurenIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 2B 3 2B:3:10B-9A9.2509.200 29.1759.125 2T9.6509.000 39.0759.025 236.70036.350 2
3Kratky, KatelynnIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 2B 3 2B:3:9B-8A9.3008.550 109.4008.900 49.6008.800 39.2508.825 437.35035.075 3
4Rickle, OliviaIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 4A 7 4A:7:11U9.5009.325 19.7009.500 29.5759.375 19.6509.550 138.25037.750 1
4Clifford, AnnaIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 5A 8 5A:8:13B9.6509.300 19.7009.200 19.5759.400 19.5509.250 337.95037.150 1
4Rhodes, LaurelIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 3A 6 3A:6:12B9.2009.150 1T9.2508.950 29.5759.050 89.5759.300 236.75036.450 2
4Tyack, KateIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 4A 7 4A:7:11U9.4009.100 69.1507.850 109.5758.800 69.4009.000 1036.85034.750 8
8Hallermann, CorrineIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 2B 3 2B:3:9B-8A9.5258.700 7T9.5758.150 9T9.5508.825 29.6258.850 338.20034.525 7
8Hammond, QuinnIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 3B 4 3B:4:10A9.2508.200 79.3008.350 7T9.5509.100 29.3258.550 637.40034.200 6
10Williams, EmilyIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 3B 5 3B:5:10A9.2509.000 2T9.1008.650 49.5259.450 19.3758.875 436.85035.975 2
10Richardson, AllisonIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 6A 10 6A:10:9.5759.275 39.4757.950 49.5259.500 19.5008.900 337.42535.625 1
10Parrish, JadynIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 2B 3 2B:3:8B9.4509.000 2T9.7008.400 5T9.5258.400 3T9.4508.750 537.77534.550 3
13Wilson, AlanaIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 3B 4 3B:4:10A9.3009.000 19.3509.250 29.5008.900 59.1258.800 3T37.00035.950 1
13Donnelly, SarahIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 4A 7 4A:7:11U9.4259.175 39.6259.325 59.5008.150 109.6509.125 837.75035.775 7
13Barron, CidneyIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 3B 4 3B:4:12+8.8508.300 79.2508.675 39.5008.525 39.6008.775 337.20034.275 3
16McDaniel, EvelynIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 4A 7 4A:7:11U9.3009.100 59.5259.500 39.4759.225 39.7009.550 237.62537.375 2
16Gardini, AlexandriaIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 4A 7 4A:7:11U9.4759.150 49.6759.675 19.4758.550 79.4509.075 937.27536.450 5
16Sewell, JuliaIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 3B 4 3B:4:9BU8.9508.225 49.2258.900 29.4759.000 39.0758.450 536.47534.575 3
16Pfister, JessanieIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 2B 3 2B:3:7BU9.3758.700 79.4008.875 29.4758.200 69.2008.100 937.25033.875 4
20Felty, EmaleeIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 3A 6 3A:6:12B9.4259.100 4T9.3009.100 19.4509.300 39.3258.825 1237.37536.325 3
20Watkins, BriannaIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 2B 3 2B:3:10B-9A9.2008.775 79.1508.900 49.4507.900 89.3508.850 436.52534.425 6
22North, KarleeIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 5A 8 5A:8:14-13A9.5259.200 19.4509.250 29.4259.325 19.4009.375 237.70037.150 1
22Finney, ErinIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 5A 8 5A:8:13B9.2509.150 49.1508.600 89.4259.250 29.4509.250 436.47536.250 2
22Loper, KayleeIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 3B 5 3B:5:10A9.3009.150 18.9258.500 59.4259.425 29.2258.750 536.20035.825 3
25Reda, SamanthaIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 3B 5 3B:5:10BU9.1259.050 38.9508.200 69.4009.400 19.4509.300 136.75035.950 2
26Ragland, AveryIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 3A 6 3A:6:10BU9.2759.200 39.4258.900 29.3759.250 39.6259.050 6T37.55036.400 3
26Hoover, RachaelIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 3A 6 3A:6:10BU9.3509.100 49.5009.200 19.3758.825 99.6009.150 4T37.82536.275 4
28Crispin, AleighaIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 2B 3 2B:3:9B-8A9.2759.050 1T9.2258.600 79.3508.575 4T9.2759.150 136.32535.375 2
28Matthews, LyviaIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 2B 3 2B:3:10B-9A9.2008.850 4T9.3758.650 69.3508.475 69.4258.800 537.22534.775 5
28Clifton, TeylarIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 3B 4 3B:4:119.2008.375 79.1758.000 79.3507.875 109.5008.350 536.87532.600 8
31Walker, GraceIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 5A 8 5A:8:12U9.1509.050 29.5259.100 49.3259.325 19.4509.400 136.87536.875 2
31Ernst, RaeganIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 5A 8 5A:8:12U9.2258.800 59.5509.400 19.3258.775 79.5259.375 336.85036.350 3
31Wiblin, ToryIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 3B 5 3B:5:10BU9.4259.175 19.3009.125 19.3258.750 49.3009.200 236.97536.250 1
31Malerich, LaurenIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 2B 3 2B:3:7BU9.3259.000 19.3509.200 19.3258.500 19.3009.050 236.87535.750 1
35Benkowski, IsabelleIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 3B 5 3B:5:119.3009.000 4T9.4008.875 59.3009.300 19.1758.800 6T36.35035.975 2
35Maienza, MiaIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 2B 3 2B:3:10B-9A9.2758.600 99.0758.825 59.3009.200 29.4509.125 136.90035.750 4
35Callender, SavannahIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 2B 3 2B:3:7BU9.1508.950 29.1008.850 39.3008.450 29.5009.175 136.25035.425 2
35Layman-D'Andrea, SophiaIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 2B 3 2B:3:10B-9A9.2258.850 4T8.6508.000 89.3008.600 58.9258.750 635.47534.200 7
35Eiferman, AbbyIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 2B 3 2B:3:7BU9.5258.750 4T9.3508.300 49.3008.150 79.4508.275 737.45033.475 6
40Shinnick, LindsayIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 3B 4 3B:4:10B-9A9.1258.700 19.4258.925 19.2759.075 1T9.5009.075 137.02535.775 1
40D'Orazio, MariaIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 3B 4 3B:4:9BU9.4508.625 29.4007.400 79.2758.575 59.6008.025 637.35032.625 6
42Arbona, MiaIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 2B 3 2B:3:8B9.3009.000 2T9.0758.750 39.1758.575 18.9008.900 1T36.20035.225 1
42Cooper, EllaIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 3B 4 3B:4:9BU8.9008.400 39.1758.650 39.1759.150 1T9.0508.575 435.95034.775 2
44Kish, SophiaIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 5B X-GOLD 5B:X-GOLD:10BU9.1509.150 19.4509.450 19.1509.150 19.3009.300 137.05037.050 1
44Pierson, EmmaIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 6A X-PLAT 6A:X-PLAT:13A+9.1009.100 59.0509.050 39.1509.150 59.3009.300 236.60036.600 3
44Hayes, MollyIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 4A X-SILV 4A:X-SILV:10BU8.6508.650 49.2009.200 39.1509.150 58.7758.775 835.77535.775 4
44Bricker, AbigailIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 2B 3 2B:3:9B-8A9.2259.000 38.8008.200 89.1508.450 78.9508.475 835.65034.125 9
48Ricker, RenciIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 5A 8 5A:8:12U9.2259.000 38.7758.700 99.0758.550 99.5509.400 235.92535.650 5
49Kennedy, KathleenIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 6A 10 6A:10:8.9508.825 108.9008.050 39.0508.925 68.7758.450 634.65034.250 5
50Eddy, LinseyIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 4A 7 4A:7:13+9.6509.450 19.3258.650 89.0258.650 99.5259.300 637.00036.050 4
51Sabol, LaurenIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 5B X-GOLD 5B:X-GOLD:13B-12A8.8008.800 78.9508.950 59.0009.000 39.3759.375 136.12536.125 4
51Walker, TaylorIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 3B 5 3B:5:10BU9.3009.125 29.2258.825 39.0009.000 39.1258.850 335.97535.800 3
51Kulwicki, MadelineIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 2B 3 2B:3:7BU9.0008.850 38.8008.225 69.0008.250 59.0258.750 335.77534.075 3
54Kyle, EllaIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 4A X-SILV 4A:X-SILV:11-10A8.7758.375 118.7008.700 138.9258.350 138.6508.300 1233.72533.725 12
55O'Connor, HelenaIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 3B 4 3B:4:10B-9A8.6508.100 78.0008.000 68.8508.850 3T8.2757.200 832.57532.150 7
56Crispin, LorienIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 3B 4 3B:4:119.0008.450 5T9.2008.100 68.7508.550 58.9258.250 635.67533.350 4
57Smith, LillianIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 4A X-SILV 4A:X-SILV:11-10A8.7008.700 88.8508.850 128.7008.700 129.0259.025 735.27535.275 10
58Mundwiler, CaitlynIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 4A X-SILV 4A:X-SILV:10BU8.4508.450 68.6758.675 98.6758.675 88.5258.525 1034.32534.325 9
59Weible, EmilyIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 4A X-SILV 4A:X-SILV:12+8.6008.600 88.4008.400 98.6258.625 98.9258.925 434.55034.550 9
60DiSabato, GielaIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 5B X-GOLD 5B:X-GOLD:13A+8.8508.850 78.8758.875 78.5758.575 59.2759.275 335.57535.575 4
61Lombardo, BrooklynIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 4A X-SILV 4A:X-SILV:10BU8.2008.200 109.0009.000 78.5508.550 99.0259.025 134.77534.775 7
62Smith, AleynaIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 4A X-SILV 4A:X-SILV:12+8.5508.550 99.3009.300 28.5008.500 108.8008.800 735.15035.150 7
62Turk, GabrielleIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 5B X-GOLD 5B:X-GOLD:10BU9.0508.650 39.1258.450 68.5008.500 59.5008.775 636.07534.375 5
64Jones, EmmaIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 5B X-GOLD 5B:X-GOLD:12B-11A8.1508.150 108.9008.900 68.4008.400 59.0509.050 534.50034.500 5
65Tageson, HopeIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 5B X-GOLD 5B:X-GOLD:13B-12A9.2509.250 18.8508.850 68.2008.200 79.1259.125 535.42535.425 5
65Alsaddik, JanaIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 3B 5 3B:5:10A8.5758.575 57.5007.500 88.2008.200 78.6258.625 632.90032.900 7
67DiSabato, CianaIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 5B X-GOLD 5B:X-GOLD:13A+9.0009.000 58.1008.100 127.9507.950 129.0509.050 634.10034.100 10
67Bradley, PaigeIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 4A X-SILV 4A:X-SILV:10BU8.4508.450 79.1009.100 67.9507.950 118.4258.425 1133.92533.925 11
67Lewis, AlexaIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 5B X-GOLD 5B:X-GOLD:11B8.1008.100 97.9007.900 127.9507.950 108.9008.900 532.85032.850 10
70Malkin, ShainaIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 6A X-PLAT 6A:X-PLAT:13A+8.4508.450 118.6508.650 57.8507.850 119.0259.025 833.97533.975 10
71Hallermann, KatrynIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 5B X-GOLD 5B:X-GOLD:13B-12A8.1508.150 108.5508.550 97.6757.675 108.5008.500 1032.87532.875 11
72Agriesti, KaitlinIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 6A X-PLAT 6A:X-PLAT:13A+8.5508.550 107.2507.250 127.4507.450 128.7508.750 1132.00032.000 11
73Darby, ScooterIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 5B X-GOLD 5B:X-GOLD:11B7.9007.900 108.5508.550 107.4007.400 118.0008.000 1131.85031.850 11
74Arbona, OliviaIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 6A X-PLAT 6A:X-PLAT:12BU8.7508.750 87.2007.200 96.5506.550 109.0009.000 831.50031.500 9
75Rowe, ElizaIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 4A X-SILV 4A:X-SILV:12+0.0000.000 0.0000.000 0.0000.000 0.0000.000 0.000
75VonNiederhausern, ScarletIntegrity Gymnastics and Cheerleading 4A X-SILV 4A:X-SILV:10BU0.0000.000 0.0000.000 0.0000.000 0.0000.000 0.000